VSI Events - Since 2004

Events in the Current year
Past events: 2010   2009   2008   2007   2006   2005   2004

VSI Events in the Year 2010:


VSI Events in the Year 2009:

    October 2009
  • PragaTI (TI India Technical University), in association with the VLSI Society of India and IEEE Circuits and Systems Society , Bangalore chapter, announces a Seminar

    Predicting and Understanding the Behavior of Nanoscale Devices

    Speaker: Dr. Kurt Stokbro
    October 13, 2009 | 10.00 - 11.00 AM Details... PDF 74 kb
    Venue: TR-1, Texas Instruments India; Bagmane Tech Park, CV Raman Nagar, Bangalore 560093

    Please arrive 15 minutes before the seminar. Limited visitor parking is available. You are required to carry some form of photo-identification with you to gain entry. Please RSVP to B.M. Adithya before Oct 12th (x0113637@ti.com).

  • Conference on Communication Technologies & VLSI Design (CommV'09)

    Oct 8-10, 2009, Vellore, Tamil Nadu Details...
    In conjunction with the Silver Jubilee Celebration of VIT University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu
    Organised by School of Electrical Sciences, VIT University - Vellore, in association with VLSI Society of India
    Announcement PDF 345 KB

  • July 2009
  • 13 th VLSI Design And Test Symposium (VDAT 2009)

    July 8-10 2009, Bangalore Details...

  • March 2009
  • VLSI Society of India announces a seminar in association with PragaTI (TI India Technical University)

    Economics of the Semiconductor Industry

    Speaker: Prabir Mohanty, Texas Instruments India, Bangalore
    26 March 2009 | 10:30 AM - 11:30 PM Details... PDF 21 kb
    Venue: Texas Instruments India Bangalore Capus; Bagmane Tech Park, CV Raman Nagar, Bangalore 560093

    Target Audience: The talk is open to the members of VLSI Society of India.
    Contact Tushar Khandelwal x0107171@ti.com with details of your name, contact address, and VSI membership number.
    You must carry a photo-id and arrive at least 15 minutes before the the event begins.
  • Design Automation Algorithms for FPGAs

    One-day course: 31 March 2009, Bangalore
    Speaker: Prof.Susmita Sur-Kolay, Senior Associate Professor, Advanced Computing and Microelectronics Unit, Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata
    Venue: TR-2, Texas Instruments India campus, Bagmane Tech Park, C.V. Raman Nagar, Bangalore 560093 Details... PDF 75kb
    Target Audience: This tutorial is targeted towards CAD practitioners, university researchers/professors and Ph.D. students who are interested in the emerging area of FPGAs, and who are looking for exciting new areas for CAD algorithms.
  • February 2009
  • ACM Bangalore Distinguished Speakers Program and Panel Discussion
    In-cooperation with IEEE-CAS Bangalore Section and VLSI Society of India

    Automated Design of Digital Microfluidic Lab-on-Chip

    Connecting Biochemistry to Information Technology and Electronic Design Automation
    Speaker: Prof. Krishnendu Chakrabarty, Dept of ECE, Duke University
    February 14, 2009| 9.30 - 12.45 PM| Bangalore Program Details   Online Registration   PDF 389KB (External links open in a new Window)
    Venue: TERI SRC (Southern Regional Centre), 4th Main, 2nd Cross Domlur II Stage Bangalore: 560 071, Karnataka, Telephone +91 80 25356590 (5 lines)
    Target Audience: The event is open to anyone who is interested in the area of medical electronics, and associated EDA.
    Registration is free. However, owing to limited seats, please Register online using the above link.
  • PragaTI (TI India Technical University) announces a seminar in association with VLSI Society of India

    Automated Design of Digital Microfluidic Lab-on-Chip

    Connecting Biochemistry to Information Technology and Electronic Design Automation
    Speaker: Prof. Krishnendu Chakrabarty, Dept of ECE, Duke University
    February 11, 2009 | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Details... PDF 21 kb
    Venue: G-1, Texas Instruments India; Bagmane Tech Park, CV Raman Nagar, Bangalore 560093

    Target Audience: The seminar is open to anyone who is interested in the area of medical electronics, and associated EDA.
    Contact Tushar Khandelwal x0107171@ti.com if you wish to attend with details of your name, nationality, and organization.
    You must carry a photo-id and arrive at least 10 minutes before the start of the event to go through security
  • January 2009
  • PragaTI (TI India Technical University) , VLSI Society of India & IEEE CAS, Bangalore Chapter jointly announce a seminar

    Evolutionary Computation for Engineering Optimization

    Speaker: Prof. C. Patvardhan, Department of EE, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra
    January 16, 2009 | 3.00 - 4.30 PM Details... PDF 13 kb
    Venue: G-1, Texas Instruments India; Bagmane Tech Park, CV Raman Nagar, Bangalore 560093

    Target Audience: The seminar is open to all VSI (VLSI Society of India) members and IEEE members.
    Contact srihari@ti.com if you wish to attend with details of your name, nationality, and organization.
    You must carry a photo-id and arrive at least 10 minutes before the start of the event to go through security
  • PragaTI (TI India Technical University) announces a seminar
    Sponsored by VLSI Society of India (VSI)

    Common Power Format & Low Power Design

    Speaker: Dr.Sumit DasGupta, Senior VP, Si2 (Silicon Integration Initiative)
    January 13, 2009 | 2.00 - 3.00 PM Details... PDF 86 kb
    Venue: Jack Kilby Auditorium, Texas Instruments India; Bagmane Tech Park, CV Raman Nagar, Bangalore 560093

    Target Audience: Technical professionals involved in VLSI design and development of EDA tools & flows.
    Please refer to Details on registering for the event.
  • PragaTI (TI India Technical University) announces a seminar
    Sponsored by VLSI Society of India (VSI)

    Low Power Design & Verification with UPF 2.0

    Speakers: Stephen Bailey (Director Product Marketing, Mentor Graphics); and Gary Delp (Distinguished Engineer, LSI Corp)
    January 9, 2009 | 2.30 - 4.00 PM Details... PDF 118 kb
    Venue: G-1, Texas Instruments India; Bagmane Tech Park, CV Raman Nagar, Bangalore 560093

    Target Audience: Engineers involved in the design and verification of low power electronics systems.
    Please refer to Details on registering for the event.
  • 22nd International Conference on VLSI Design
    8th International Conference on Embedded Systems

    January 5-9, 2009 New Delhi, India Details...

VSI Events in the Year 2008:

    August 2008
  • Three-day Workshop on Digital Signal Processors and Embedded Systems

    Organized by: VSI Hyderabad Chapter, In cooperation with: VNR VJIET and CDAC Hyderabad
    August 18-20, 2008; VNR VJIET Campus - Hyderabad  ... Details... PDF 405 KB

  • Short Course on Digital Circuits Test and DFT

    Conducted by: Prof. Sudhakar M.Reddy, Iowa Univ., USA; Dr.Nilanjan Mukherjee, Mentor Graphics Corporation, USA;
    and Dr.C.P.Ravikumar, Texas Instruments India

    August 11-14, 2008; Hyderabad  ... Details... PDF 110 KB

  • July 2008
  • 12th VLSI Design And Test Symposium - VDAT2008

    July 23-26, 2008; Wipro Campus, Electronics City, Bangalore Details...

  • One-day seminar on Design for Manufacturability and Reliability

    July 7, 2008; Bangalore Details... PDF 85 KB
    Conducted by: Prof. Sandip Kundu, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

  • June 2008
  • 3-day Workshop on Audio Codecs and Data Converters

    June 16-18, 2008; Jadavpur University Details... PDF 350 KB

  • April 2008
  • 4th Workshop on Design Verification Methodologies - DVM2008

    April 25-26, 2008; Bangalore Details...

  • January 2008
  • 21st International Conference on VLSI Design
    7th International Conference on Embedded Systems

    January 4-8, 2008 HICC, Hyderabad, India Details...

  • T O P

VSI Events in the Year 2007:

  • Second International Workshop on Interconnect Design and Variability - IDV2007

    13-14 December 2007; Hotel Atria, Bangalore   Details...

  • August
  • Low Frequency and High Frequency Noise in Bipolar transistors

    Seminar jointly announced by
    PragaTI (TI India Technical University), VLSI Society of India, and IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (Bangalore Chapter)
    August 23, 2007 - TI India Auditorium, Texas Instruments India
    Speaker: Jayasimha Prasad, Maxim Integrated Products (USA)

  • Short Course on Digital Circuits Test and DFT

    August 13-17, 2007 Noida, UP  Details...
    Presenters: Dr.Nilanjan Mukherjee, Mentor Graphics Corpn, Prof. Sudhakar M. Reddy, Iowa Univ. and Dr.C.P.Ravikumar, TI India

  • 11th IEEE VLSI Design And Test Symposium - VDAT2007

    August 8-11, 2007, Kolkata  Details...

  • July
  • Two-day Course on Low-power Design and Test

    July 30-31, 2007 - Hyderabad. Details...
    Conducted by Dr. Vishwani Agrawal, Auburn University, USA and Dr. Srivaths Ravi, Texas Instruments India

  • One-day Seminar on Design For Manufacturability and Reliability

    July 27, 2007 - Kolkata. Details...
    Conducted by Prof.Sandip Kundu, University of Massachusetts, USA

  • Five-day Course on Digital VLSI Design

    July 23-27, 2007, Golden Jubilee Hall, ECE Dept, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore  Details...
    Conducted by Bhardwaj Amruthur, IISc Bangalore and David Money Harris, Associate Professor, Harvey Mudd College of Engineering, CA, USA

  • Scaling Commercial Model Checking to Larger Systems

    Speaker: Bob Kurshan, Cadence Design Systems
    Jointly organized by PragaTI (TI India Technical University), VLSI Society of India, and IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Bangalore Chapter.
    18 July 2007 - 11.00 AM – 12.00 Noon - Venue – TR-1, Texas Instruments Bangalore, CV Raman Nagar Bangalore 560093.

  • A two-week long workshop on Analog VLSI VSI Related event

    July 4-15 2007, Madhurai, Tamil Nadu  Call for participation PDF 400KB     Contact
    Anchored by: Texas Instruments (India)
    Sponsored by: Prof. Radhakrishna Rao Foundation, Supported by: Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, Tamil Nadu.

  • May
  • Design Techniques for Modern Electronic Devices, VLSI & Communication Systems (DTVC-07)

    14-15 May, 2007 - E&CE Dept. NIT Hamirpur
    Organized by: Department of ECE, National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur 177 005,Himachal Pradesh, India
    Sponsored by: TEQIP NIT Hamirpur, VLSI Society of India (VSI)
    Details...   Alternate site

  • April
  • 2nd workshop on Mixed-Signal VLSI Design and Test

    April 25-26, 2007, Venue: PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore  Details...

  • 3rd Workshop on Design Verification Methodologies

    April 5-6, 2007, I2IT Pune Campus, Hinjewadi  Details...

  • March
  • CyberWorkBench: C-based Behavioral Synthesis and Verification tools

    March 23, 2007, Auditorium, Texas Instruments, Bangalore Time: 9.45 AM - 12.00 PM
    Speaker: Dr. Kazutoshi Wakabayashi, NEC Japan; Démonstration: Dr.Katsuharu Suzuki, Assistant manager
    Seminar organized by: VLSI Society of India, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Bangalore Chapter,and PragaTI (TI India Technical University)
    (Lunch with opportunity to speak to the speakers : Please RSVP to Vivian Vancelet no later than March 20, 2007 5.00 PM. lancelet.vivian@ti.com)

  • Designing a modern System-on- Chip for Test – An industrial perspective

    March 9, 2007, DA-IICT, Gujrat  Details...

  • February

    24 February, 2007, Padre Conceiao College of Engineering, Goa
    Organized by VSI Goa Chapter. 
    Details...   Announcement (PDF)

  • 4th VTU-VSI-ISA Confluence Meeting

    February 28, 2007, RV College of Engineering, Bangalore  Details...

  • January
  • Electronic System Level Design Workshop 2007

    January 11-12, 2007 Bangalore.  Details...

  • 20th International Conference on VLSI Design and 6th International Conference on Embedded Systems

    January 6-10, 2007 Bangalore.  Details...

VSI Events in the Year 2006:

  • First International Workshop on Interconnect Design and Variability

    December 28-29, 2006 Bangalore.  Details...

  • National Workshop on Challenges in VLSI (NWCV 2006)

    December 21-22, 2006 – DA-IICT, Gandhinagar, Gujrat  Details...

  • October
  • 3rd VTU-VSI-ISA Confluence Meeting

    13th October 2006 - BVB College of Engineering and Tech., Hubli.  Photographs...

  • Seminar - “Cooperative Communication where Network meets the Channel”

    October 2006, TI India Auditorium, Bangalore
    Speaker: Behnaam Aazhang. 
    PragaTI (TI India University) Seminar, In Cooperation with: VLSI Society of India and IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Bangalore Chapter

  • September
  • Short Term Intensive Course on DFT for Digital Design

    September 4-6, 2006 VNR-VJIET, Hyderabad.  Details...

  • August
  • Short Course on Digital Circuits Test and DFT

    August 17-19, 2006 Bangalore.  Details...

  • VLSI Design and Test Symposium, 2006

    August 09-12, 2006 Goa.  Details...

  • One-day Course on Circuit Marginalities

    August 1, 2006 Kolkata.  Details...

  • July
  • 3-day Short Course on DFT – Theory and Practice

    July 27-29, 2006 Hyderabad  Details...

  • June
  • Custom LSI Design Workshop, 2006

    June 1-15, 2006; Goa.  Details...

  • April
  • 2nd VTU-VSI-ISA Confluence Meeting

    April 28, 2006 - Jnana Sangama Campus, VTU, Belgaum  Details...

  • March
  • 2nd Workshop on Design Verification Methodologies, 2006

    March 24-25, 2006; Pune.  Details...

  • February
  • 1st VTU-VSI-ISA Confluence Meeting

    February 24, 2006 - BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore  Details...

  • January
  • Electronic System Level Design Workshop, 2006

    January 9-10, 2006; Bangalore.  Details...

VSI Events in the Year 2005:

  • A Workshop on VLSI Physical Design Automation

    December 19-21, 2005; Bangalore.  Details...

  • A Two-day Workshop on VLSI Signal Integrity, 2005

    December 16-17, 2005; Bangalore.  Details...

  • A three day intensive course on "Design for Testability - Theory and Practice"

    December 15-17, 2005; New Delhi.  Details...

  • A two-day workshop on Mixed Signal VLSI Design and Test

    December 2-3, 2005; Coimbatore.  Details...

  • November
  • Workshop on Verification Methodologies, 2005

    November 25, 2005; Bangalore.  Details...

  • October
  • VLSI Education Workshop, 2005

    October 19-23, 2005; Berhampur, Orissa.  Details...

  • August
  • "VLSI Design and Test Symposium, 2005"

    August 10-13, 2005; Bangalore.  Details...

  • July
  • A Four Day Intensive Course on "Design For Testability - Theory and Practice"

    July 27-30, 2005; Bangalore.  Details...

  • 2nd VLSI Embedded Systems DSP Applications Seminar

    July 1-2, 2005; Salem.  Details...

  • June
  • Workshop on "Custom LSI Design"

    June 6-18, 2005; Manipal.  Details...

  • May
  • "VLSI Education Workshop"

    May 9-14, 2005; SJCE Mysore.  Details...

  • March
  • "VLSI Education Workshop"

    March 8 - 12, 2005; MNIT Jaipur.  Details...

  • February
  • A Two Day Workshop on "Low Power Design Techniques"

    Feb 25-26, 2005; IISc Bangalore.  Details...

  • January
  • Workshop on "Specification and Design Methodologies for Adaptive and Embedded Systems"

    Jan 11-13, 2005; IISc Bangalore.  Details...

  • A Two Day Workshop on "Advances in Memory Technology, Design and Test"  

    Jan 10-11, 2005; Hotel Central Park, Bangalore.  Details...

VSI Events in the Year 2004:

  • "VLSI Design And Test Workshops - VDAT2004"

    May 24,2004 to June 5, 2004, SJCE Mysore.  Details...

  • May
  • "VLSI Eucation Workshop"

    May 24,2004 to June 5, 2004, SJCE Mysore.  Details...