Workshop on Specification and Design Methodologies for Adaptive and Embedded Systems Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore January 11-13, 2005
For Registration Details Contact Mr.H.C.Sridhar Office Manager Computer Society of India, Bangalore Chapter Flat No.201, 2nd Floor, M.B.C, Infantry Road, Bangalore – 560 001 Tel: +91-80-22860461 Telefax: +91-80-22862215 Email: csi-ifip@csibc.org URL: http://www.csibc.org/events/events_calendar/announcements/csi_ifip.htm
The program of the IFIP-CSI-VSI-IISc Workshop to be held during Jan11-13, 2005 will feature talks on the themes of Formal methods, System Engineering and Adaptivity. Additional highlights will be tool demos as well as a panel discussion on Challenges in Industrial deployment of Formal methods.
The Demos will feature tools relating to the CASL (Common Algebraic Specification Language) developed by the WG 1.3, the CafeOBJ environment from JAIST of Japan as well as the DIXIT tool developed at LORIA, France.
The aim of the Panel Discussion is to enumerate and analyse the various factors which make the deployment of formal methods in the industrial setting difficult and discuss methods of overcoming them. These difficulties could arise, among others, from the following factors: heterogeneity of computational models, genericity vs specificity, unavoidable ambiguity in requirement specs, avoidable confusion about the terms architecture, design and implementation, use of standards as specifications, evolving specs, scalability and complexity, lost data during refinements, performance insensitive refinements, incompatibility with existing design methodologies, lack of trained manpower with modeling expertise.
The panel will discuss what, if anything, can be done to overcome these challenges. The question of a possible existence of a systematic methodology of “Design for Verifiability” similar to the already mature methodology of Design for Testability will also be addressed.
The schedule is published below:
Tuesday 11-Jan-2005 08:45-09:15 Registration 09:25-09:45 Overview and Goals of the Workshop P.S.Subramanian, TCS,Bangalore. 09:45-10:20 Verification and Validation: The Industrial view N.H.Sathyaraja, GM R&D, Bangalore 10:20 -10:45 Verification aspects in VLSI Design Methodologies P.Venugopal, Texas Instruments, Bangalore 10:45-11:00 Tea 11:00-13:00 CASL Methodology Till Mossakowski ,University of Bremen and Andrzej Tarlecki, Warsaw University 13:00-14:00 Lunch 14:00-14-40 Adaptivity in Telecom P.S.Subramanian,TCS,Bangalore 14:40-15:20 Performance Evaluation of Systems Pradeep Desai, Philips India 15:20-15:35 Tea 15:35-16:15 Formal Design of GALS Systems S.Ramesh, GM R&D Bangalore and IIT.Mumbai 16:15-16:55 Formal Methods for Smart Cards Bart Jacobs, University of Nijmegen
Wednesday 12-Jan-2005 09:25-10:45 Interactive Verification of System Models with CafeOBJ Kokichi Futatsugi, JAIST, Japan 10:45-11:00 Tea 11:00-12:20 Guidelines for understanding system requirements (combined use of UML use cases, Jackson problem frames, formal specifications, architectural styles, and component architecture) Christine Choppy, Institut Galilée - Université Paris XIII 12:20-13:00 UML and OWL Pierre Yves Schobbens,University of Namur, Belgium 13:00-14:00 Lunch 14:00-15:20 Demo 15:20-15:35 Tea 15:35-16:15 Specification and Functional Programming in HasCASL Lutz Schröder, University of Bremen 16:15-16:55 Architectures for Distribution and Mobility Jose Luiz Fiadeiro, University of Leicester
Thursday 13-Jan-2005 09:25-10:45 Incremental proof-based development of systems and SoC verification Dominique Mery, Université Henri Poincaré, France 10:45-11:00 Tea 11:00-11:40 Evolving Specs and EPOXI[1] Dusko Pavlovic, Kestrel Institute,USA. 11:40-12:20 Continuous Engineering of Automotive Systems Martin Große-Rhode, Fraunhofer-ISST,Germany 12:20-13:00 Re-engineering through transformations: a survey Reiko Heckl, University of Leicester 13:00-14:00 Lunch 14:00-15;20 Demo 15:20-15:35 Tea 15:35-16:55 Panel : “Challenges in Industrial deployment of Formal methods” 19:00-20:00 R&D at TCS Prof. Mathai Joseph, TRDDC, Pune 20:00-23:00 Dinner |