UPDATED: 25 February 2007
Event details ... Program Schedule ... Speaker details
Event report and photographs

Fourth VTU-VSI-ISA Confluence Meeting

February 28, 2007

Main Auditorium, R.V. College of Engineering, Bangalore, India

Organized by the VLSI Society of India

Supported by:

R.V. College of Engineering, Rashtreeya Sikshana Samithi Trust, Mysore Road, Bangalore

India Semiconductor Association

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum


VLSI Society of India

India Semiconductor Association


The VTU-VSI-ISA confluence meeting provides a forum for faculty, students, and the semiconductor industry to come together. A memorandum of understanding was signed in August 2005 between the Visvesvaraya Technological University, the VLSI Society of India, and the India Semiconductor Association.


The intention of the MoU is to strengthen the bonds between VTU and the semiconductor industries in India. VTU represents a conglomeration of over 250 engineering colleges and gives the semiconductor industry a great opportunity to get involved with the academia, provide inputs in improving the curriculum, delivering seminars, teaching courses, and so on. The following colleges have been identified under this MoU to engage in academia-industry interaction, based on the M.Tech programs they have in microelectronics or allied areas:


·          BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore

·          BVB Engineering College, Hubli

·          VTU, Belgaum

·          SJCE, Mysore

·          UTL Extension Centre, Bangalore

·          KLE, Belgaum

·          RV College of Engineering, Bangalore


Several meaningful meetings have been held among faculty champions and industrial representatives to give shape to the activities under the MoU.


June 27, 2005

 VTU, VSI and ISA sign an MoU

February 24, 2006

 First VTU-VSI-ISA Confluence meeting held at Bangalore

April 28, 2006

 Second Confluence meeting held at Jnana Sangama Campus, VTU, Belgaum, Karnataka

October 30, 2006

 Third Confluence meeting held at BVB College of Engineering, Hubli, Karnataka


The event on February 28, 2007 is the fourth of the major events that is being planned under the MoU. The intention of this meeting is to provide exposure of the happenings in the semiconductor industry to the M.Tech students of the participating colleges. Your active participation and constructive feedback on this event as well as the other activities of the MoU will be highly appreciated.


Visit http://vlsi-india.org/vsi/pub/confluence_24feb06.shtml for details on past confluence meetings.


A forum for the faculty, students, and the semiconductor industry.


The Indian Semiconductor Association (ISA), the Visvesvaraya Technical University (VTU), and the VLSI Society of India (VSI) jointly entered a Memorandum of Agreement (MoU) starting June 2005 with the goal of strengthening the industry-academia interaction.

Contact: Dr. Sarangapani Jagannathan Iyengar, RVCE ( jaggushar@rediffmail.com )


Program Committee

Organizing Committee

C.P. Ravikumar, Texas Instruments, India

Nagavolu Murty, NXP Semiconductors, India

H.V. Ananda, Synplicity

Manav Subodh, Intel India

Mahant-Shetti, KarMic, Manipal

Prof. K. Balaveera Reddy (Patron)

Prof. Sarangapani Jagannathan Iyengar, RVCE

Prof. K. Jayaraman, VTU

Ms. Poornima Shenoy, ISA

Prof. V. Sreedhar, VTU

Mr. S.R. Gopal Naidu, VSI

Mr. Sunil Naidu, ISA

Mr. Siddharth, RVCE

Ms. B.V. Uma, RVCE

Registration: Refer registration form for other details

VSI & IEEE Members:

Students/ Faculty


Non-Members: Students/ Faculty


Industry Participants


If you are not from VTU - Please also register using the online registration form at:
http://vlsi-india.org/vsi/activities/reg.shtml apart from sending the filled hardcopy of registration form, and to notify spot-registration.

If you are from VTU - Fellowships are available for students of VTU. Please contact Dr. Sarangapani Jagannathan Iyengar of RVCE ( jaggushar@rediffmail.com ) with details of your student/faculty status, year of graduation, program (M.Tech/B.Tech etc) before Feb 20.
All colleges that come under the VTU purview are mentioned above.
Download - Announcement with Registration Form PDF 225kb

R.V. College of Engineering is located on Mysore Road. It is about 1 hr by road from the Bangalore Railway Station. Please check the Internet for directions, etc. For accommodation in Bangalore, you must check appropriate websites and make your own reservation. The organizers will not be able to provide accommodation.

Event details ... Program Schedule ... Speaker details