Designing a modern System-on- Chip for Test  – An industrial perspective

A one-day workshop

March 9, 2007

Venue: Conference Room, CEP Building, DA-IICT

Near Indroda Circle, Gandhinagar - 382 007, Gujarat, India




Texas Instruments India


VLSI Society of India


DA-IICT Ahmedabad


A one-day workshop is planned at DA-IICT, Ahmedabad on March 9, 2007 on the topic of “Designing a modern system-on-chip for Test – An Industrial Perspective”.



The objective of the workshop is to provide an exposure of modern-day DFT practices to the participants.


The workshop will be appropriate for faculty, PG students, and final-year undergraduate students with interest in microelectronics.


The workshop will be conducted by Dr. C.P. Ravikumar and Mr. Ram Jonnavithula of Texas Instruments India, Bangalore.



  • Introduction to “Design for Test”
  • Fault models for logic and memory
  • Low-cost Test practices
  • At-speed Testing
  • Impact of variability on Test



  • The workshop is open to faculty, PG students, and final-year undergraduate students. Those who wish to register for the workshop must contact Prof. D. Nagchoudhuri of DA-IICT no later than March 1, 2007.
  • Registration would be on a first-come first serve basis. Limited seats are available constrained by infrastructural resources.


  • There will be no charges, though admission would be on the basis of prior registration only.
  • All participants would be required to make their own arrangements for board and lodging.
  • The DA-IICT does have a cafeteria on the premises for use of their students and faculty. On prior request, permission to use the cafeteria may be provided.


  • For registration, all candidates may email Prof. D. Nagchoudhury of DA-IICT: with the subject line "Registration for System-on-Chip Testing". They must indicate their name, organization and address in the mail. Specific request for cafeteria facility must be included. No requests for board and/or lodging would be entertained.

Download announcement PDF 65kb




Technical Program

09.30 AM – 10.30 AM


10.30 AM – 11.30 AM

Introduction to DFT; Fault models for logic and memory

11.30 AM – 11.45 AM

Tea break

11.45 AM – 01.00 PM

Low-cost Test Practices; At-speed Testing

01.00 PM – 02.00 PM

Lunch break

02.00 PM – 03.00 PM

Impact of Variability on Test

03.00 PM – 03.15 PM

Tea break

03.15 PM – 04.00 PM

Industrial Practices