VLSI Society of India



Electronic System Level Design Workshop, 2006

January 9-10, 2006

Bangalore, India

Venue: Golden Jubilee Seminar Hall,

Department of Electrical Communication Engineering,

Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
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IEEE Circuits and Systems Society,

Bangalore Chapter


ESLD - 2006: Workshop Goals

Raising the level of abstraction to electronic system-level is emerging as a power solution to the problem of design productivity. ESL Design encompasses a number of disciplines, such as system system-level design entry, translation of high-level language descriptions to RTL, hardware-software partitioning, system-level verification, and system-level testing.  A number of commercial products and associated methodologies are emerging for ESL Design.  The goal of the workshop is to bring together a number of practitioners in the area of ESL Design and create a forum for exposing and discussing these methodologies.

The workshop will consist of keynote talks, invited presentations, embedded tutorials, exhibits, and a panel discussion. 



Day 1: January 9, 2006

08.30 AM


09.00 AM



Curtain Raiser


09:30 AM

Keynote 1 - Prof. Arvind, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

How future systems may be designed

10:30 AM


11:00 AM

Keynote 2 - Prof. Rajesh Gupta, UCSD

ESL: A Crucial Enabler for Platform Ownership

12:00 NN

Nagendra Gulur Dwarakanath, Texas Instruments, India

System-level Design - Practice and Experience

12:45 PM

Viswanath Chakarala, Specialist, VLSI Systems Design, Wipro Technologies

System C Modeling Approach for SoC Development

01.30 PM


02.30 PM

Sarang Shelke, Director - Technology, Poseidon Design Systems

Processor Based System Performance Acceleration: An ESL Approach

03.15 PM

Sanjay Chakravarti, Sr. Manager, IP and Services, CoWare




04.30 PM

Badri Gopalan, Ageia, India

System Verilog - An Overview

05.30 PM

Srinivasan Venkataraman, Synopsys India

System-level Verification using System Verilog

06.00 PM

End of Day 1


Day 2: January 10, 2006

08.30 AM


09:00 AM

Keynote 3 - Brian Bailey, Former Chief Technologist, Mentor Graphics and Member of Technical Advisory Board, Poseidon Design Systems

"ESL? What is that?"

10.00 AM


10.45 AM

Keynote 4 - Rishiyur Nikhil, CTO, BlueSpec

A Technical Introduction to ESLD with Bluespec System Verilog

12.15 PM

Raghu Tupuri, AMD

Systems level design space exploration  Performance Modeling              

01.00 PM


02.00 PM

Himanshu Sanghavi, Project Manager, Tensilica

ESL Requirements for Multiprocessor SoC Design using Configurable Processors

02:45 PM

Bill Salefski, VP - Technology, Poseidon Design Systems

"ESL : Why Now?"

03:30 PM


04.00 PM

Panel Discussion : "ESL - Dream or Reality?"

Ravi Janak, CEO and President, Poseidon Design Systems

Shiv Tasker, CEO, BlueSpec

M. Balakrishnan, IIT Delhi

Moderator: Brian Bailey

06.00 PM

End of Day 2


Organizing Committee:

C.P. Ravikumar, Texas Instruments, India
Suhas Hiwale, Poseidon Design Systems, Bangalore, India
Subodh Patil, Poseidon Design Systems, Bangalore, India
S. Jagannathan, Infineon, Bangalore, India
Bharadwaj Amruthur, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
Maria Adolf, Bluespec, Germany
Alok Kumar, Coware, Noida, India
Ashish Dixit, Tensilica, India
A. Vasudevan, Wipro Technologies, Bangalore, India


Registration Fees:

Workshop Registration Fees

Before December 15, 2005

After December 15, 2005

Professionals (Non-Members)

Rs. 3,500/-

Professionals (Non-Members)

Rs. 4,500/-

Professionals (VSI/ IEEE members)

Rs. 3,000/-

Professionals (VSI/ IEEE members)

Rs. 4,000/-

Students/ Faculty (Non-members)

Rs. 2,500/-

Students/ Faculty (Non-members)

Rs. 3,500/-

Students/ Faculty (VSI/ IEEE members)

Rs. 2,000/-

Students/ Faculty (VSI/ IEEE members)

Rs. 3,000/-

Click here to get the registration form for ESLD 2006 workshops: