Instructions for Authors The review process is now complete and you can see the review comments for your paper on the Docman system to which you made the submission. A large number of reviewers have spent their efforts in providing inputs to the program committee, based on which we now have the results available for the submitted papers. All authors of accepted papers are required to submit full papers in Microsoft WORD as-well-as PDF formats. Final submissions (of camera-ready full papers) made in Microsoft WORD format will be made available as symposium proceedings in hard copy and the submissions made in PDF format will be made available as symposium proceedings in the CD. Note that the publisher needs the soft copy of the manuscript and he/she retains the right to reformat your manuscript for aesthetics. Authors are also required to submit their final Microsoft PowerPoint presentations to the Docman site. Symposium proceedings in the CD will also include these Microsoft PowerPoint presentations. All authors must upload the presentation foils to the Docman system on or before July 15, 2005. Please note, that full papers and tutorials will get 10 pages in the hard copy proceedings, short papers will get 8 pages, and posters will get 4 pages. The size of the VDAT proceedings are smaller than the A4 size. If you have a poster paper and if you send a 4-page document in A4 size, that will not be acceptable. Both full and short papers will get 20 minutes for presentation at the symposium. Poster papers will get 10 minutes for presentation as well as an opportunity to put up posters. Please ensure that you address the comments from the reviewers when you revise the paper. If your manuscript is received later than June 15, 2005, it will not appear in the hard copy proceedings. There is no free registration to authors. If you have applied for a fellowship, you will be intimated by July 1, 2005 about your fellowship status.
Guidelines for submission of camera-ready full papers: All submitting authors must adhere to the guidelines given below. Papers that do not adhere to these guidelines will not be included in the hardcopy proceedings.
Guidelines for Presentations: A DLP projector, collar mike, and laser pointer will be available for the presentations as AV aids. Presentation foils must adhere to the following guidelines:
Submitting authors must become members of the VDAT Mailing List, where updates on the symposium will be sent. We look forward to meeting you at the workshops. If you have questions that are unanswered, please do not hesitate to send them to us.
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