Call For Participation The 9th VLSI Design & Test Symposium (VDAT 2005) will be held at the campus of WIPRO Technologies, Bangalore; during August 10-13, 2005. For the information flyer and the technical program, please click on the relevant link below:
Important Dates
Information for Participants Registration permits you to participate in all of the technical sessions and tutorials organized as a part of the symposium. If you intent to participate, please register yourself.
Information for Authors The review process is now complete and the authors of papers selected for the event are requested to follow the instructions given below:
Information About Fellowships Every year, fellowships are made available to teachers and research scholars from educational institutions to attend the VLSI Education Day and VLSI Design and Test Symposium.
On-line submission is managed by Docman (document management
system). To submit any information on-line, you must check-in with a userid and password. A new window will pop up. If you have EVER used Docman in the past, you
have a valid user ID and password (Cannot
recall User ID/Password?). Otherwise, please
sign-up as a New User to obtain a userid and
Convey Your Ideas We invite your ideas and suggestions for making VDAT 2005 symposium a memorable experience. It could be setting up of University Booths or putting up of Industrial Exhibits. There could be proposals for best paper awards, proposals for panel discussions, proposals for design contests, or even proposals for sponsorships! Participants can contribute their ideas, for making the Symposium an enriching experience for all. Please convey your message to us.
Sponsors and Cooperating Organisations |