Fellowship applicants who have not registered before June 30, must register with the after June 30 Fellow category charges shown in registration details. If you are granted fellowship, you are expected to attend the event on all days. Make the DD payable to VDAT Symposium 2006.

VDAT2006 Details
Travel Details
Hotels at Goa
Guideline to authors

Information Flyer
Registration Form
Fellowship Form
Accepted Papers
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VLSI Design And Test Symposium  2006
To promote applications and research related to all aspects of VLSI in India


Fellowships are available for Indian postgraduate students and faculty working in the areas related to VLSI.

A fellowship should not be viewed as an honor or recognition, but as an enabler to attend VDAT for students/faculty who do not get adequate support.

Please do not apply if your organization can support you or you can support yourself.

Fellowship entitles you to a lower registration fee. No other support will be available.

We are arranging a limited accommodation at the Goa University Guest House for fellows and students.

Please note that accommodation wil be allotted on a first-come first-served basis. Please use the Student accommodation request form.

The students who apply for fellowship must be students at the time of the symposium.

Application forms must be forwarded to Fellowships Chair, Dr Narasimha Kaulgud, no later than May 15, 2006.
You must first register by paying the Registation amount. Refer to registration details.
email: vdat06fellow@yahoo.co.in

Please note:
The Organizing Committee have announced the final Fellowship List
The receipients have been intimated by mail, and must strictly adhere to the points mentioned there in, also reproduced below.
We cannot receive any more requests for fellowships.

 Fellowship Recipients - VDAT2006 

  • Please follow the Fellowship numbers shown on the left, that was also mentioned in the confirmation e-mail.

  • Numbers in brackets, that might have been formally allotted should not be quoted. They are only shown for reference.

  • The * marked names that were left out in the previous list may contact vdat06@hotmail.com.
  • 201 Sriharsha Salimath
    202 Sampath Kumar
    203 Vinay Kumar
    204 Sharad Shukla
    205 Aishwarya Bharati
    206 Vivek Jha
    207 Ankur Gupta
    208 Vinay H
    209 Prashanth Jnanendra
    210 M Raghavendra Pavan
    211 Steevan Rodrigues (254)
    212 Brajesh Pandey
    213 Pratap Kumar Das
    214 Bishnu Prasad Das
    215 Ravindra Jayanthi
    216 Nihar Bapna
    217 Manasi Mangal
    219 Arulalan M R (715)
    220 Siva Rrama Krishna
    221 Chaitanya Kshreera Sagar
    222 Shantanu Bhalerao
    223 Abhishek Choudhari
    224 R Arun *
    228 Srihari
    229 Anil V. Nandi
    230 Vaishali B.M.
    231 M.Sudhakar
    232 Raghunandan.C
    233 Shashank Mittal
    235 Deepak Chaudhary *
    251 Arun Kumar Saini
      252 Manu TM
    253 Sreehari Rao Patri
    255 SS Kerur
    260 Lakshmi Madhumati G.
    261 K.Rama Koteswara Rao
    301 Chandan Karfa
    302 Deepak Kole
    303 Noor Mohammed
    304 Giritharan Giri
    305 Shubhaji Chaudari
    306 Kaushik Vaidyanathan
    307 Lavanya S
    308 Mukund K M
    309 Karthikeyan N
    310 Sudarshan S
    311 EN Ganesh (364)
    312 Dr. P K Singh (365)
    317 Antony Vimal Das
    318 Gopal Paul
    319 Bodhisatwa Mazumdar
    320 Roshni Chatterjee
    321 Divya Agarwal
    322 Shubham Jain
    323 Umesh Parashar
    324 Diganchal Chakraborthy
    325 Vishal Bhat *
    326 Vaibhav Agarwal *
    327 Navneet Gupta *
    351 D. S. Harish Ram
    352 S.Jayanthy
    353 Rajaram
      354 Vinod Thyagarajan
    355 Mani Kandan
    356 V.Lakshmi Prabha
    357 S Moorthi
    358 D Meganathan
    359 Chrasree Pramanik
    360 N Sathurappan
    361 Susantha Chakravarthy
    362 PK Basu
    363 D Mukhopadhya
    366 Kanchana Bhaskaran
    367 K Bhaskar
    501 Shankar Ram R
    502 Ajay Kumar
    503 Ulhas Deshmukh
    505 Ninad Kothari
    507 Amandeep Singh
    508 Mrigank Agarwal
    551 Kiran Kumar GV
    601 Hanumantharaju M.C (257)
    602 Shashidhara.K.S (258)
    603 Srinivasa.G.V (259)
    604 Bhaskar Pal
    703 Kaushal J. Doshi
    704 Agrawal Yogesh (234)
    712 Mrunal Abhijith K (227)
    713 Nagaraj Reddy (256)
    714 Rakesh Nalluri
    717 Shaik Mallika
    718 Udayasree Gorantla
    719 Anup Dandapat

    The following norms need to be followed by all fellowship awardees:
    * You must confirm your participation immediately by writing to 
    vdat06@hotmail.com - the subject line of the message must be "Fellow 
    2006 - Confirming". If you do not confirm your participation by July 
    7, 2006, we will assume that you are not interested and we will pass 
    on the fellowship to another applicant.
    * VDAT Fellowship includes a major discount in the registration fees 
    for the workshops and tutorials. Please find below the fee structure 
    for fellows and guidelines for sending your registration.
    Symposium Registration Amount: Rs.1500/= (Payable before July 15)
    Tutorial Registration Amount 
     Before June 30, 2006 - Rs 1000/-
     After June 30, 2006 : Rs 1500/-
    This amount is not reimbursible. If we do not receive the payment by
    July 15, we will drop your name from the list.
    *        You must send the registration amount and form no later 
    than 15 July 2006.
    *        The fellowship does not entitle you to travel allowance or 
    for stay arrangements in Goa - these are your responsibility.
    *        If you need accommodation at the Goa University hostel, 
    fill out the form available from http://vlsi-india.org and send it 
    to vsisecy@vlsi-india.org no later than July 7, 2006.
    *        There will be a separate registration desk for fellows at 
    VDAT. You must produce a copy of this email and quote your 
    fellowship number to the person at the registration desk. You must 
    produce student/faculty Identification that is valid during Aug 9-
    12, 2006 at the time of registration. If you are not going to be a 
    student/faculty in August, you will be asked to pay the full fee.
    *        You must register separately for the Symposium (compulsory) 
    and tutorial (optional). 
    *         You must indicate the choice of tutorial clearly, T1,T2 or 
    T3 (details of tutorials available from http://vlsi-india.org) - 
    write the purpose of the payment behind the DD.
    *        Please see our website to get information about travel to 
    Goa, etc. Most of your queries will be answered.
    *        It is expected to be raining in Goa during August - please 
    bring appropriate clothing and an umbrella.
    VDAT2006 Details
    Accepted Papers
    Advance Program
    GIC Accommodation
    Student Accommodation
    Contact us