Preliminary Accommodation Chart for Goa University Guesthouse announced. Applicants may please verify and intimate only when discrepancies are noticed. Only Confirmed and paid applicants are shown with Room allotment. The guest house accommodates 4 per room on a shared basis.
VLSI Design And Test Symposium2006 To promote applications and research related to all aspects of VLSI in India
Student Accommodation Request Form
Applicable to full-time students interested in staying at the Goa University Guest House during August 8 - August 12, 2006. The accommodation is available on a shared basis and costs Rs 100/- per person per day.
The VDAT organizing committee is collating the accommodation requests and interfacing with Goa University.
If you are interested in availing this facility:
Please fill-up the below form and Click Agree to send an e-mail to VDAT2006 Registration Committee.
Download this accommodation request form and fill-up the same way.
Prepare a DD for VDAT2006 registration and a separate DD for Accommodation based on the length of stay and the tariff shown.
Bagmane Tech Park, C.V. Raman Nagar, Bangalore 560093
Both e-mail notification and the filled-up hardcopy is a must for coordinating with the local organizing committee.
Send the request latest by July 10. The accommodation chart will be posted by July 20.
Since rooms are limited, the organizing committee will allot on a first-come first-served basis.
Preference will be given to fellowship awardees and those sending the DD for accommodation.
You will be notified in case of non-availability, and the DD returned.
Your contact details: (all fields are necessary)
Student Name in Uppercase
Student ID:
Graduation Date:
Telephone: Mobile no. preferred. Include area code for landline.
Have you sent the registration form? If so, provide DD details:
DD No:
Date of Arrival
Approx. time of arrival
Date of departure
Approximate Time of departure
Dinner required on Days : (Tick the appropriate ones) Note: VDAT provides breakfast and lunch on all days during the Symposium. Banquet dinner will be arranged on Aug 11.
Aug 8 Aug 9 Aug 10 Aug 12
Declaration: I am interested in staying at Goa University Guest House during the period:
<< --- From To --- >>
I agree to abide by the rules of the Guest House during my stay.
I agree to clear the bills directly with the Guest House authorities.
I agree to bring my student ID and show it to Guest House authorities when requested.
Agree: Disagree:
This form sends an e-mail with the above inputs through your e-mail client to
On clicking Agree, your browser will display the customary security message that the form is sending an e-mail.
Click OK.
Next, your e-mail client will display a similar alert.
Click Send.
If working online, the mail will be sent immediately. And if offline, the message will be stored under Outbox till you connect next.
Contact Details: Goa University Guest House
Goa University, Taleigao Plateau
Near State Bank Branch
Goa – 403206
Direct Tel: 2451343
University EPBAX 2451375 Ext. 303/315
Contact person:
Mr. D’Mello
For any help Contact
Ramanand Sharma
Satish Kenkre