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VLSI Design And Test Symposium
To promote applications and research related to all aspects of VLSI in India
Guidelines to Authors
Please go through the below mentioned salient points and also visit* for detailed guidelines on Page formatting DOC as per standards set for publication and PPT foils, and to download template file.
Note: The above link * opens in a new Window. To open in this Window, drag-and-drop the link to the address bar above.
General guidelines
The papers are categorized as Full papers/Embedded Tutorials and Short Papers. Full papers get 10 pages in the hardcopy and Short papers 8 pages. As the paper size of the VDAT proceedings are smaller than letter size, follow the guidelines to format page layout.
The set page limit for both category includes figures, text, references etc.,
Submissions will undergo blind review – the authors must not include their names or affiliations anywhere in the document.
Your submission should represent original contribution and should not have been submitted to other forums. It is important that abstracts bring out the contribution and novelty of the paper.
Students must note that reusing material from published work is incorrect
and amounts to violation of copyright.
Survey papers are not acceptable.
Submitting authors must become members of the
VDAT mailing list, where updates on the
symposium will be sent.
For the authors to upload thier submissions, and reviewers to access them VDAT arranges through a separate website like CMT (Microsoft's Conference Management Toolkit) that requires log-in. Details under the current VDAT announcement. Please do not send papers by email.
Please plan in advance, keeping in mind the deadlines for paper submission. We look forward to meeting you at the
symposium. If you have questions that are unanswered, please do not hesitate to send them to us.
Guidelines For Submission of Final Papers:
All submitting authors must adhere to the guidelines given below. Papers that do not adhere to these guidelines will not be included in the hardcopy proceedings.
Use Microsoft Word to type-set your paper for hardcopy proceedings.
Manuscripts sent in PDF, PS and other formats will not be accepted by the publisher.
You must follow these guidelines for type-setting the papers:
The authors must not use any color in their manuscript –
figures or text.
Do not include color photographs or graphics.
Figures must be of high resolution and must not have gray background.
Importing bitmap images in Microsoft Word will not be acceptable.
Authors must not use any material (figures and/or text) from the Internet or other sources without acknowledgement.
The authors must output hardcopy of their manuscript and ensure that all the figures are legible and also output PDF to verify the figures and tables show up before sending. PDF is used for the softcopy.
If the authors notice that they are exceeding the page limit set by the committee, they must contact the Publications Chair for approval. The publications chair has the authority to approve one extra page. Authors have the option of buying at most two extra pages by paying Rs. 1000/- per page. Send the DD to Finance Chair; and make the draft payable to “VLSI Design and Test Symposium (year as applicable).”
One or more of the authors must register as a participant
by sending the registration form along with registration fee.