August 16-18, 2001
JN Tata Auditorium, NSSC Complex, IISc, Bangalore, India
The following three workshops
will be held concurrently:
·Workshop on High-level Design will discuss issues related
to system-level synthesis, core-based design of SOC, timing convergence,
high-level synthesis, logic synthesis, and FPGA synthesis.
·Workshop on Physical Design and VLSI Technology will
discuss issues related to floor planning, placement, and routing of high-performance
integrated circuits. The workshop
will also address issues on the design, modeling and manufacturing issues
related to submicron semiconductor and optical technologies.
·Workshop on Testing will discuss issues related to testing and testability of digital, analog, and mixed-signal circuits and systems.
C.P. Ravikumar
Controlnet (India) Pvt Ltd.
L-44, Unit-1, Software Technology Park
Verna Industrial Estate, Verna
Salcete, Goa, 403722
FAX: 91-832-783614.
Site was last updated on 11/08/2001.
Comments may kindly be sent to C.P.