5th IEEE VLSI Design & Test Workshops

August 16-18, 2001

Bangalore, India

Sponsored by VLSI Society of India

In Cooperation With: IEEE-CS-TTTC, IEEE CS-VLSI

(Confirmation Awaited)

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Workshop Title




1st VDAT Workshops


January 7, 1998


2nd VDAT Workshops

New Delhi

August 6-7, 1998


3rd  VDAT Workshops

New Delhi

August 20-21, 1999


4th VDAT Workshops

New Delhi

August 25-26, 2000



Topics of Workshops:

The following four workshops will be held concurrently:

Workshop on High-level Design will discuss issues related to system-level synthesis, core-based design of SOC, timing convergence, high-level synthesis, logic synthesis, and FPGA synthesis.

Workshop on Physical Design will discuss issues related to floor-planning, placement, and routing of high-performance integrated circuits. The workshop will also encourage papers related to fabrication and packaging of integrated circuits and systems.

Workshop on Testing will discuss issues related to testing and testability of digital, analog, and mixed-signal circuits and systems.

Workshop on VLSI Device and Process Technology will discuss design, modeling and manufacturing issues related to submicron semiconductor and optical technologies.

The VLSI Education Day (VED 2001) will be held as part of VDAT 2001, on August 16, 2001.


Technical Program Committee

Ø       C.P. Ravikumar, IIT Delhi, General Chair and Test Workshop Coordinator

Ø       Anshul Kumar, IIT Delhi, High-level Design Workshop Coordinator

Ø       Bhargab Bhattacharya, ISI Calcutta, Physical Design Workshop Coordinator

Ø       Chandrashekhar, CEERI, and G. H. Sarma, ITI, Technology Workshop Coordinators


Technical Program Committee


Vishwani  Agrawal, Bell Labs, USA

Juergen Becker, Tech. Univ. of Dormstadt, Germany

Bhargab Bhattacharya, ISI Calcutta, India

Chandrashekhar, CEERI Pilani, India

P. Chakrabarti, Banaras Hindu University

P.P. Chakrabarti, IIT Kharagpur, India

Srimat Chakradhar, NEC, USA

Kozo Kinoshita, Osaka Gakuin University, Japan

K.S. Gurumurthy, UVCE, Bangalore, India

Anshul Kumar, IIT Delhi, India

Gopal Mani, CRL, BEL, India

R. Parekhji, Texas Instruments, India

N.S. Murthy, IBM Global Services, India

Dipankar Nagchoudhury, IIT Delhi, India

Shreedhar Natarajan, Texas Instruments

V. Ranganathan, Realchip, India

C.P. Ravikumar, IIT Delhi, India

Vineet Sahula, MREC, Jaipur, India

G.H. Sharma, ITI Bangalore, India

Vinay Shenoy, Philips Semiconductors, India

P. Sridhar, Controlnet, India,

M.N. Sreerangaraju, BIT, Bangalore, India

Susmita Sur-Kolay, ISI Calcutta, India

Alok Singh, Virage Logic, India



Authors should submit extended abstracts for talks, proposals for embedded tutorials (1 hour or 2 hour duration), and proposals for panel discussions or special sessions, to:

C.P. Ravikumar

Controlnet (India) Pvt Ltd.

L-44, Unit-1, Software Technology Park

Verna Industrial Estate, Verna

Salcete, Goa, 403722

         Email: or

FAX: 91-832-783614

If submitting by email, the author must use either ASCII text, PDF, or postscript format.



Last Date for submission: April 30, 2001

Notification of acceptance: June 30, 2001

Last day to received final abstract: August 1, 2001

Workshop Dates: August 16-18, 2001

NOTE: The workshops are a forum to promote research and development in all aspects of VLSI in India. Authors will not be asked to submit full papers. Papers presented in the workshops can be revised and published/presented in other forums.