VLSI Design and Test Workshops 2001
Advance Program
August 16-18, 2001
Bangalore, India

Scope: To promote applications and research related to all aspects of VLSI
In Cooperation With: VLSI Society of India, IEEE Computer Society Technical Council on Test Technology
With Support From: Cypress Semiconductors, India; ControlNet, India; Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi; Philips Semiconductors, India; Texas Instruments, India.

Venue: JN Tata Auditorium, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 560012
Click to see the Registration Form

Advance Program for August 17, 2001 (Friday)



Test Workshop
Chair: C.P. Ravikumar
Room: A

High Level and Logic Design Workshop
Chair: Anshul Kumar
Room: Main Auditorium

Physical Design and VLSI Technology Workshop
Chair: Bhargab B. Bhattacharya
Room: B

8:00 to 9:00 AM


9.00 AM-10.00 AM

Combined with L1

Session L1: Design Closure
Chair:  Vishwani Agrawal

V. Arvind, K. Sampath P.R. Suresh and V. Visvanathan, Texas Instruments, India. Electrical Design Closure: A Review of the Sate-of-the-Art and Challenges. Invited Talk.

Combined with L1

10:00 - 10:30 AM

Tea Break


Session T1: SOC Verification

Chair: M. Srivas, Realchip

Session L2: Digital Signal Processing
Chair: M. Karthikeyan, Texas Instruments, India

Session P1:  New Horizons in VLSI Technology

Chair: P.R. Suresh

10:30 to 11:00 AM

Venkatesh Natarajan, Texas Instruments, India. Hardware Emulation in Systems and SOC Design, Invited Talk.


P. Chakrabarti, Banaras Hindu University. Optoelectronic Integrated Circuit (OEIC) Receivers.

11.00 to 11.30 AM

Puneet Goel, Motorola, Gurgaon, India. An Area-efficient Bit-Serial FIR Filter Architecture.

11.30 to 12.00 Noon

Subash Chander G and Ajit Gupte, Texas Instruments, India. A methodology for Opcode Assignment to Reduce Area and Delay of Instruction Decoder.

S. K. Lahiri, IIT Kharagpur. VLSI / ULSI Device and Process Technology, Invited Talk.

12.00 Noon to 12.30 PM

S. Ali and Faquir Jain, Univ. of Cincinnati. Design of RF CMOS Phase-Locked Loop and Frequency Synthesizer. 

12.30 PM to 1.30 PM




Session T2: Formal Verification

Chair: R. Parekhji,Texas Instruments

Session L3: Embedded Systems
Chair: S. Adiga, Philips Semiconductors

Session P2: Design Techniques

Chair: Partha Chakrabarti, BHU


1:30 PM to 2:00 PM

Mandayam Srivas, Realchip, Chennai, India. Mechanical Verification of Microprocessors

(Illustrated with PVS)

. Invited Tutorial.

M. Balakrishnan, IIT Delhi.ASSET: A Methodology for Automated Synthesis of Embedded Systems. Invited Talk.

Andrew Marshall, Sreedhar Natarajan, and Homi Moghul, Texas Instruments, Dallas, USA. Comparative Performance of Ring Oscillators on Bulk and SOI Substrates.


2:00 to 2:30 PM

E. Simi, S.S. Sudheer, and Navakant Bhat, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Dual Vt Technology using Dual Thickness Gate Oxide.


2:30 to 3:00 PM

H. Saha, J.Das, S.Dey, and A. Bagchi, Jadavpur University, Development of a Smart Humidity Sensor based on Porous Silicon.


3:00 PM to 3:30 PM


3.30 PM to 4.00 PM

Tea Break 



Session L4: EDA

Chair: TBA

Session L5: Memory Design

Chair: Jayant Lahiri, Alliance Semiconductors

Session P3Layout Algorithms

Chair: TBA


4:00 PM to 4.30 PM

Suryanarayana Adiga and Vinay Shenoy, Philips Semiconductors, India. Rapid System Prototyping.

Sreedhar Natarajan, Texas Instruments Inc., Dallas, USA. Memory Design Techniques. Invited Tutorial.

Pankaj Rohilla and Jwalant Joshipura ST Microelectronics, Noida, India. Low-power Standard Cell Library Development.


4.30 PM to 5.00 PM

P. Wikneswaran, CGoreEl, India. Designing Multi-million gate FPGAs

Kamran Nabi Khan, Controlnet India, Goa. Alternate Flow to counter Antenna Problem in ASICs.


5.00 PM to 5.30 PM

Sabyasachi Das, Intel Corporation, USA, and Sunil P. Khatri, University of Colorado, Boulder. A Routing Technique for Structured Designs which Exploits Regularity. Invited talk.


5.30 PM to 6.00 PM

Veena S. Chakravarthi & Vilas Bhade, Mindtree, and Guru Murthy, UVCE. SOC Design Strategy.

Parthasartathi Dasgupta, IIM Calcutta. TABULA: A Tabu-Search based Floorplan Area & Delay Optimizer


6.00 PM

End of Day 1



Advance Program for August 18, 2001 (Saturday)


Test Workshop
Room: A

High-level and Logic Design Workshop
Room: Main Auditorium

Physical Design and VLSI Technology Workshop
Room: B




Session T3: Test Generation

Chair: TBA

Session L6:Low Power Design

Chair: K. S. Raghunathan, Sanyo LSI Technology, India

Session P4: Deep Submicron I

Chair: Sreedhar Natarajan


9:00 AM to 9:30 AM

M.C. Bhuvaneshwari, S. N. Sivanandan, Deno Mathew, G. Sundramurthi, PSG College, Coimbatore, India. Parallel Guided Genetic Algorithm based Test pattern Generator using Message.

Kaushik Roy, Purdue University, USA. Design of Low Voltage CMOS Circuits. Invited Tutorial.

P. R. Suresh and Vipul Singhal, Texas Instruments, India. Technology Entitlement In Submicron Era. Invited Talk.


9.30 AM to 10.00 AM

Ragahvendra Kulkarni, IIT Delhi, Rajiv Nadig, Analog Devices, India, Vivek Agarwal, IIT Delhi, and C.P. Ravikumar, Controlnet, India. Functional Test Generation of a Pipelined Implementation of DLX Processor.


10.00 AM to 10.30 AM

Santanu Chattopadhyay, IIT Guwahati. Reordering Test Patterns with Don't Cares for minimizing power during Combinational Testing.

Partha Chakrabarti, M. C. Gupta, P. K. Tiwari and V. Kumar, Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University. A Two-Dimensional Simulator For Studying Ionizing Radiation Effects In Deep-SubmicronMOSFETs.


10.30 AM to 11.00 AM

Ravindra Saraf, IIT Bombay, Rubin A Parekhji, Texas Instruments India, and Arun N. Chandorkar, IIT Bombay. Architecture for Programmable Memory BIST.

Rajeevan Chandel, M. Chetan REC Hamirpur. Some Non-Ideal Effects & Reliability Issues in VLSI Design.



11:00 to 11:30 AM

Tea Break



Session T4: Testing II

Chair: TBA

(Venue: Room A)

Session L7System-level Design I

Chair: Anshul Kumar 

(Venue: Main Auditorium)


11:30 to 12:00 Noon

Vishwani Agrawal, Agere Systems, USA, Yong C. Kim, U. of Wisconsin, Madison, and K.K. Saluja, U. of Wisconsin, Madison. Partial Scan Design With Guaranteed Combinational ATPG.

Amey Hegde, Controlnet India, Goa. A Comparison of USB and Firewire.


12:00 to 12:30PM

K. Nikila, Jais Abraham and Rubin A Parekhji, Texas Instruments India. Design Tradeoffs in Logic BIST.

Nirav Patel and G. N. Nandakumar, Agere Systems, India. A Hierarchical Approach for Detecting Naming Incompatibilities in Design Database.


12:30 to 1:00 PM

H. Rahman, A.P.C. Roy Polytechnic, Calcutta, D. Das, Jadavpur University, and B. Bhattacharya, ISI Calcutta. A testable design for detection of path delay faults using DSTL Array.

Rajeshwari Banakar, Ranjan Bose, and M. Balakrishnan, IIT, Delhi. Low Power Design: Abstraction Levels and RT Level Design Techniques.


1:00 to 2:00 PM



J N Tata's PhotoMain Building SketchThe picture shows Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata (1839-1904) who envisaged the Indian Institute of Science to promote original investigations in all branches of learning and to utilise them for the benefit of India. The sketch shows the main building of IISc. The statue of Late J.N. Tata in front of the main building is an awe-inspiring historical landmark.



Session T5: SOC Testing

Chair: Ramesh Ramamritham, Texas Instruments

Session L8: System-level Design II

Chair: Narendra Shenoy, Synopsys

Session P5Deep Submicron II

Chair: S.K. Lahiri, IIT Kharagpur


2.00 to 2.30 PM

David Khanna and R. Madhu. Texas Instruments, India. Telecom System-On-Chip Testing.

Shampa Chakraverty, NSIT, New Delhi and C.P. Ravikumar, Controlnet (India). A stochastic scheduling algorithm for Real-time Systems.

Vipul Singhal, K.G. Sumanth, C.B. Keshav, and P.R. Suresh, Texas Instruments India. Transitor Flaring in Deep submicron Manufacturing: Issues and Solutions.


3.00 to 3.30 PM

B. Suresh, Vinod Menezes, Phani Kumar, and George Smolinski, Texas Instruments India. Test Strategy for Next Generation System on Chip (SOC): Case Study Ethernet.

SuteekshnKumar, Infineon Technologies India, Bangalore. Fuzzy Sets for IP Core Compliance Levels. 

Navakant Bhat and H. C. Srinivasaiah, IISc Bangalore. Optimization of 0.1 nm transistor using Disposable Spacer Technique.


R. Raghuraman, Texas Instruments, India. EDA software - Where quality is not a wish but a must!!

S.C. Bose, V. Sunitha, Chandra Shekhar,CEERI,Pilani,Design Synthesis Of CMOS Operational Amplifier From User Specification.


3.30 to 4.00 PM



4.00 PM to 6.00 PM

Session L9
Panel Discussion: EDA and Design: Who is in the Driver’s Seat? 
Moderator: C.P. Ravikumar

Panel: Narendra Shenoy (Synopsys India), P. Sridhar (Controlnet India), S. Karthik (Analog Devices India),  J. Balajee (Purple Vision Technologies)


Cubbon Park

H.M.King Edward VII - Blossoms










Registration Information:
Registration permits you to participate in all the technical sessions and tutorials organized as part of the workshops.  Refreshments and lunch will be provided to all registrants at no extra charge.  Please send your registration fee through a draft made out to VLSI Design and Test Workshops, 2001.   Make the draft payable at Canara Bank, IISc, Bangalore Branch.  The draft must be sent to Prof. Navakant Bhat, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 560 012, India.   If you wish to register on the spot, drafts and cash payment in Indian rupees are acceptable.   We will not be able to accept Foreign Currency or Credit Card payments.  The current exchange rate is approximately 1 US dollar = 45 Indian rupees.

Registration Fees Before July 20, 2001




Indian Participant

Foreign Participant

Academic Institution

Rs. 2000

USD. 50

Non-academic Institution

Rs. 5000

USD. 150

Registration Fees After July 20, 2001





Indian Participant

Foreign Participant

Academic Institution

Rs. 2500

USD. 75

Non-academic Institution

Rs. 6000

USD. 175

Venue Information: The JN Tata Auditorium is located in the National Science Seminar Complex of the Indian Institute of Science, popularly known as the “Tata Institute.” The institute is located close to Yashavantapuram and Malleshwaram. If you are going to take a Taxi or an Autorickshaw, ask the driver to take you to the Tata Institute. There is a separate gate to enter the JN Tata Auditorium. 

·More information about the Indian Institute of Science is available from http://iisc.ernet.in/

·A map of IISc is available from http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/who/va/(Look for Conference Site)

·Some useful websites which provide information on hotels and tourism in Bangalore are: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/2960/www.bangalorehotels.net/http://www.virtualbangalore.com/Tou/index.php3

Weather Information: The weather in Bangalore during August is pleasant (temperatures ranging in 25 degrees to 30 degrees centigrade), with intermittent rain. 

Contact Information Please contact C.P. Ravikumar (cpravikumar@rediffmail.com) for clarifications. 

Fellowships: A small number of full or partial waivers of registration fee are available for Indian students and Indian faculty.  Preference will be given to attendees who request for partial waiver.  Write to the organizing chair with a statement of purpose for attending the workshops before July 1, 2001.  Please note that travel support and staying arrangements have to be made by the participant availing free registration.

Related Event: International Conference on VLSI Design, Bangalore, 2002: http://vlsi.ccrl.nj.nec.com/

Technical Program Committee

Program Chairs for the Workshops

High-level Design Workshop

Anshul Kumar, IIT Delhi

Physical Design Workshop

B. Bhattacharya, ISI Calcutta

Test Workshop

C.P. Ravikumar, ControlNet India


Members of Program Committee

Vishwani Agrawal, Agere Systems, USA

Juergen Becker, Tech. Univ. of Dormstadt, Germany

Navakant Bhat, IISc, Bangalore

Bhargab Bhattacharya, ISI Calcutta, India

Chandra Shekhar, CEERI Pilani, India

P. Chakrabarti, Banaras Hindu University

P.P. Chakrabarti, IIT Kharagpur, India 

Srimat Chakradhar, NEC, USA

K.S. Gurumurthy, UVCE, Bangalore, India

Anshul Kumar, IIT Delhi, India

Gopal Mani, CRL, BEL, India

R. Parekhji, Texas Instruments, India

N.S. Murthy, Philips Semiconductors, India

Dipankar Nagchoudhury, IIT Delhi, India

Sreedhar Natarajan, Texas Instruments

V. Ranganathan, Realchip, India

C.P. Ravikumar, Controlnet India, India

Vineet Sahula, MREC, Jaipur, India

G.H. Sarma, United Telecom, India

Vinay Shenoy, Philips Semiconductors, India

P. Sridhar, Controlnet, India,

M.N. Sreerangaraju, BIT, Bangalore, India

Susmita Sur-Kolay, ISI Calcutta, India

Alok Singh, Virage Logic, India


Local Arrangements

Navakant Bhat, IISc, Bangalore (Chair)

Vishal Dalal, Sasken Communications, Bangalore

H.S. Jamadagni, IISc, Bangalore

R. Parekhji, Texas Instruments India

Kailash Pawar, Sasken Communications, Bangalore

Reshma Pillai, ControlNet India, Pvt. Ltd.

C.P. Ravikumar, ControlNet India

Students of CEDT, IISc, Bangalore


Fellowships Chair

Reshma Pillai, ControlNet India Pvt. Ltd.