Information for Participants

Venue Information:
The JN Tata Auditorium is located in the National Science Seminar
Complex of the Indian Institute of Science, popularly known as the "Tata Institute."
The institute is located close to Yashavantapuram and Malleshwaram. If you are going
to take a Taxi or an Autorickshaw, ask the driver to take you to the Tata Institute.
There is a separate gate to enter the JN Tata Auditorium. More information about the
Indian Institute of Science is available from http://iisc.ernet.in.

Some useful websites which provide information on hotels and tourism in Bangalore are:

Weather Information:
The weather in Bangalore during August is pleasant
(temperatures ranging in 25 degrees to 30 degrees centigrade), with intermittent
Contact Information:
Please contact C.P. Ravikumar (cpravikumar@rediffmail.com) for clarifications.