A limited number of fellowships are available for research scholars and faculty of academic institutions in India to attend
VDAT 2001. Fellowships entitle you to one or more of the following:

1. Registration fee waiver
2. Reimbursement of Travel Expenses (Restrictions apply)
3. Guest house accommodation at Hoysala Guest House, IISc, Bangalore

Please apply to ravikumar@controlnet.co.in with these details before July 1, 2001:

1.     Name

2.     E-mail Address:

3.     Faculty or Research Scholar:

4.     Department and Institutional address:

5.     Area of research/teaching interest:

6.     Whether you have availed VDAT fellowship earlier:

7.     Why do you wish to attend VDAT?

8.     Statement: "If a fellowship is awarded, I will attend VDAT 2001 during August 16-18, 2001. I have the approval from my Head of  the Department to attend VDAT 2001, and the letter from the Head of the Department is enclosed."

9.     Signature

10.  Enclose a letter from your Head of the Department stating that he/she has Approved your travel to attend VDAT 2001.

If you are applying by E-mail, send a hard copy of the application along with the
letter from Head of the Department separately by regular mail to C.P. Ravikumar at
the address:

C. P. Ravikumar
Controlnet India Pvt Ltd.
L-44, Unit-1, Software Tech Park
Verna Industrial Estate
Verna, Salcete, Goa 403722