You can also copy the below registration form, paste into your editor with a ½” margin around to print.
About the Workshop ... Program ... Speaker details ... Registration Form

Electronic System Level Design Workshop 2007

January 11 -12, 2007
Venue:  Wipro Learning Center, Electronics City, Bangalore
Organized by
VLSI Society of India
In collaboration with
IEEE Circuits and Systems Society,
Bangalore Chapter
Corporate Sponsors

Wipro - ARM Embedded Technologies Pvt Ltd.,


Name of the participant: 


























(Please use block letters. The participation certificate will be made in this name)


Tick appropriate


Professionals (Non-VSI)

Member of:


Membership No:

Professionals  (VSI/ IEEE members)


VSI/ IEEE Membership No:


Students/ Faculty (Non-VSI)

Member of:

Membership No:


Students/ Faculty (VSI/ IEEE members)

VSI/ IEEE Membership No:


If you are a student, mention Semester/Year:

Contact Address:

(Provide permanent mailing address)

Designation: Student   Faculty   Industry   Other  

College/ Company:

Permanent address:



Background in VLSI: (Courses/Reading/Projects)



Details of DD enclosed




DD Number


Drawn on Bank




Your background and expectations from the workshop:



Mail the completed registration form and DD to the following address:
 Mr. Gopal Naidu
Treasurer, VLSI Society of India
Finance Department
Texas Instruments (India) Pvt Ltd
Bagmane Tech Park
C.V. Raman Nagar, Bangalore 560093
Please do not send scanned copies of DD by mail. Enter the payment details in the online form. An acknowledgement will be sent on receiving the regn.

·          The DD to be made out to “VLSI Society of India” payable at Bangalore.
·          On the back of the DD, please specify “ESLD Workshop 2007 – Bangalore” to avoid confusion.
·          Partial registration is not permitted. Processing fee of Rs.1000/= will be charged against cancellation.
·          Queries may please be sent to:
·          Registration can be transferred to a colleague if intimation is provided 15 days before the event. (Provide the name in Capital letters)


Course fee includes registration material, lunch and refreshments on all the days.
Transport and stay arrangements are the responsibility of the participants.
Please also register using the online registration form at apart from sending the filled hardcopy of registration form.