UPDATED: 3 January 2007
About the Workshop ... Program ... Speaker details ... Registration Form
Panel Discussions on ESL in Education, and ESLD: Opportunities in India were held during the workshop.
Visit for details and to download slides presented. - A brief report - Photographs

Electronic System Level Design Workshop 2007

January 11 -12, 2007
Venue:  Wipro Learning Center, Electronics City, Bangalore


Day 1 – Thursday - January 11, 2007

08.00 AM

Registration and breakfast

09.00 AM


Venue – Room Columbus, Wipro Learning Center


Session 1-A : Keynote Talks

Zafar Ahmed K, Senior Design Engineer, ARM Embedded Technologies Pvt. Ltd, India Operation

RealView Tools by ARM (ARM Technical Forum, RealView® CREATE SERIES of ESL Tools)


Nikil Dutt, Center for Embedded Computer System, UC Irvine

In Search of the Elusive Golden Reference Model for ESLD


A critical challenge in Electronic System Level Design (ESLD) is the lack of a golden reference model that can be used across different facets of ESLD, including design specification, HW/SW co-design, co-validation, and downstream CAD flows.  Indeed, for the task of validation alone, traditional techniques typically employ different reference models depending on the abstraction level and verification task (e.g., functional simulation or property checking), resulting in potential inconsistencies between these multiple reference models.  The problem is further aggravated due to the plethora of different models – generated both automatically and manually – that are used for the tasks of synthesis, simulation, interface generation, estimation, etc. Many open questions remain.  How can we manage consistency between these models? Can all of these models be generated from, or linked to a “Golden Reference” model?  Is the search for a “Golden Reference” model akin to the search for the proverbial “Goose That Laid the Golden Egg”?


This talk will discuss challenges in these domains, and present some possible directions in the context of ESLD for heterogeneous Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chip (MPSOCs).

10.30 AM


11.00 AM


Venue – Room Coral, Wipro Learning Center


Venue – Room Columbus, Wipro Learning Center


Dr. Sachin Ghanekar, Tensilica

Designing a DSP core for audio applications using a Configurable Processor

Dr. Rishiyur Nikhil, CTO, Bluespec Inc.

Design by refinement  - An ESL technique that starts from an executable specification and successively refines the design to implementation

12.00 PM

Kanishka Lahiri, NEC-Labs

Addressing the Battery Gap: System-level Techniques for Low Power SoC  Design

Charlie Hauck, VP Engineering, Bluespec Inc.

Automated Fine Grain Low Power Design Techniques




01.00 PM


02.00 PM

Session – 1D : Tutorial I

Venue – Room Coral, Wipro Learning Center

Session -1E : Tutorial II

Venue – Room Columbus, Wipro Learning Center


Sandeep Shukla, Virginia Tech University

System-level Techniques for Power Optimization

Srinivasan Venkataramanan, Synopsys India
Improving Verification Productivity using SystemVerilog

04.15 PM


04.45 PM

Tutorial Continues

Tutorial Continues

06.00 PM

End of Day 1



Day 2 – Friday - January 12, 2007

08.00 AM

Registration and breakfast

09.00 AM

Session 2A – Keynote Talk

Brian Bailey, Poseidon Design Systems

Venue – Room Columbus, Wipro Learning Center

10:00 AM


10.30 AM

Session 2B - Launching of System C User Group India Chapter

Inauguration by members of System C User Group

Venue – Room Columbus, Wipro Learning Center

11:15 AM

Session-2C : Tutorial III

Venue – Room Coral, Wipro Learning Center

Session -2D: Tutorial IV

Venue – Room Columbus, Wipro Learning Center


Tutorial on ESL Design

 Speaker: Brian Bailey, Poseidon Design Systems

System C Tutorial

Desingh Balasubramanian, Poseidon Design Systems and Karthick Gururaj, NXP Semiconductors

01.30 PM



02.30 PM

Session 2E: ESL in Education

Venue – Room Coral, Wipro Learning Center

Session 2F : Industrial Practices

Venue – Room Columbus, Wipro Learning Center

ESL in Education  - Panel Discussion
Experts from the industry and academia will discuss the topic of including ESL topics in EE/CS curriculum

T.S. Rajesh Kumar, C.P.Ravikumar, Texas Instruments India and R.Govindarajan, SERC, IISc, Bangalore

Memory Optimizations and Exploration for Embedded SoC

ParticipantsS. Karthik, Analog Devices, K. Krishna Moorthy, National Semiconductors, S.K. Nandy, Indian Institute of Science.
Moderator: Gulur Nagendra, Texas Instruments.

Aravinda Thimmapura, Philips Semiconductors. Performance Analysis of Memory Sub-systems Using Virtual Prototype

04.00 PM


04.30 PM

Panel Discussion: ESLD in India: Opportunities and challenges

Venue – Room Columbus, Wipro Learning Center

The panelists will discuss how ESLD may change the landscape of EDA and VLSI Design in India.

Moderator: Shiv Tasker, CEO, Bluespec Inc.,

Panel Members:  Ramesh Subbarao, Texas Instruments; Mudit Mathur, Wipro Technologies, Vishal Suresh, NXP Semiconductor; Vinod Malhotra, Poseidon Systems; S.K. Nandy, Indian Institute of Science

06.00 PM

End of Workshop

About the Workshop ... Program ... Speaker details ... Registration Form
Panel Discussions on ESL in Education, and ESLD: Opportunities in India were held during the workshop.
Visit for details and to download slides presented. - A brief report - Photographs