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8th VLSI Design & Test Workshops

To promote applications and research related to all aspects of VLSI in India



University Booth

As in the past, VDAT 2004 will host a University Booth to provide a forum for students and faculty from academic institutions and/or Government R&D institutions to demonstrate their work.  Proposals are now being solicited for demonstrations of products developed in Universities.  A proposal must include the following.

  1. Name of the Organization and Address

  2. Contact Person(s): Email, Phone, FAX

  3. Title of the Project being demonstrated

  4. Nature of the Demonstration: Hardware/Software

  5. Number of persons at the demonstration

  6. A letter from a faculty in your college stating that the project was carried out at the college/University by the students/faculty named above.

Last Date for submission: June 30, 2004.
Notification of acceptance: July 15, 2004

Please note that this is not a paper submission - your write-up will not be published in the proceedings. Students (B.Tech or M.Tech or MS) whose projects are demonstrated at the University Booth become eligible for fellowships, but must apply separately to the Fellowships Chair.
Exceptionally good student projects with originality will be considered for awards.

Facilities available:
You will be given wall space to post up to 6 A4-sized posters. You will be expected to be available near the booth during breaks to explain your project to the visitors.
A PC/Windows system will be available with MS/office installed.  You must make arrangements for any other facilities you need and inform us well in advance. We need clearance to take hardware/software into the VDAT 2004 venue.