VSI VLSI Society of India
VSI Mission

  • To make India a significant force in the VLSI field

  • To promote applications and research related to all aspects of VLSI in India

  • You can download VSI Logo for use in banners, posters, related media and such, for the proposed event.

    Request for Sponsorship

  • What support can VSI provide in organizing an event?
  • VSI can support technical events related to VLSI held in India by providing financial sponsorship/co-sponsorship, or technical co-sponsorship. Membership of VSI is mandatory for anyone who wishes to organize our events. The purpose of the society is to contribute and promote the advancement of all aspects of VLSI in India.

  • How can I organize an event of the VSI?
  • First of all, you must be a member of VSI in order to send a proposal.

    a) VSI can provide financial sponsorship for an event that you wish to organize. This means that VSI will provide seed funding for the event with the understanding that at the end of the event, this amount will be returned along with any excess your event might make. Alternately, if your event ends up making a deficit, VSI will pick up the deficit. You must send a copy of the budget at the time of making a proposal and audited report at the end of the event, within 3 months of conclusion of the event. You can submit the details on the online form for quick responses, but we will also need a hard copy to be mailed to us.

    Please fill-out the online Sponsorship form for gaining sponsorship to hold a VLSI related event in India.
    Your proposal must be sent at least three months in advance of the event.
    Please also download the Sponsorship request form in pdf that can be filled and sent to the given address.
    Send the budget details in Excel format to:
    ravikumar@vlsi-india.org, with a copy to vsiaccounts@vlsi-india.org and vsisecy@vlsi-india.org.

    If you are organizing a workshop/conference with sponsorship from VSI, please use the sample review form indicated below to get reviews on the technical papers submitted to the conference.

    Review Form for VSI Event (Click to expand/ close)


     For any clarifications, please use the feedback form.