What are the advantages of becoming a member of VSI?
VSI organizes several events throughout the year and members get substantial discounts (30 to 40%) for attending these events, including the annual VLSI Design Conference and the VLSI Design and Test Symposium. All members receive monthly e-newsletters on VLSI related news, articles etc., and notifications on VSI conducte events. If a college/company becomes a corporate (or organizational) member, we will send a copy of all our publications (event proceedings) to your library.
VSI also has a strong relations with other professional bodies such as IEEE and often brings some of the advantages to the members of the VSI. For example, we have mailed a copy of the IEEE/ACM DAC proceedings to all our faculty members. Finally, every member becomes a part of our mailing list which brings regular updates about events related to VLSI.
How can I organize an event of the VSI?
First of all, you must be a member of VSI in order to send a proposal.
Please visit http://vlsi-india.org/vsi/proposals/ There are two types of sponsorship:
a) VSI can provide financial sponsorship for an event that you wish to organize. This means that VSI will provide seed funding for the event with the understanding that at the end of the event, this amount will be returned along with any excess your event might make. Alternately, if your event ends up making a deficit, VSI will pick up the deficit. You must send a copy of the budget at the time of making a proposal and audited report at the end of the event, within 3 months of conclusion of the event. There is a form available at the above site to make proposals. You can submit the details on the online form for quick responses, but we will also need a hard copy to be mailed to us. Send the details to ravikumar@vlsi-india.org, vsiaccounts@vlsi-india.org and vsisecy@vlsi-india.org.
b) VSI can be a technical co-sponsor and help you in finding speakers for your event.
What support can VSI provide in organizing an event?
VSI can support technical events related to VLSI held in India by providing financial sponsorship/co-sponsorship, or technical co-sponsorship. Membership of VSI is mandatory for anyone who wishes to organize our events. The purpose of the society is to contribute and promote the advancement of all aspects of VLSI in India. Please see How can I organize an event of the VSI for more details.
How can I become a member of VSI?
Becoming a member or renewing a membership of VSI is actually quite simple. You have to send a DD or cheque for the suitable amount to our treasurer (address given below). Use the chart below to identify the right amount. The cheque/DD should be made in the favor of “VLSI Society of India”. We do not permit credit card payments at this time. Membership is open all-year round and application can be sent at any time of the year.
Membership Categories |
Type |
Annual |
5-Years |
Students |
Rs. 500/- |
N/A |
Professional |
Rs. 1,000/- |
Rs. 4, 500/- |
Corporate |
Rs. 10,000/- |
Rs. 45, 000/- |
Download the Membership registration form (PDF), and send the filled hardcopy along with the Demand Draft/ Cheque to:
VLSI Society of India
c/o ARM Embedded Technologies Pvt Ltd
Bagmane World Technology Center - SEZ
Citrine Block, 5th Floor
Marathahalli Outer Ring Road
Doddanakundi Village
Bangalore - 560 048
At this point, we do not have support for online payment. However, to speed up matters, we do allow you to enter your form online. We request the New/ Renewing members to enter membership detail, including the details of the cheque/DD you have sent. Please allow two weeks to process. You will receive the membership card and a copy of our periodical. Members should also become part of our group-mailing list vdat@yahoogroups.com
What are the modes of payment for VSI membership?
You can pay by DD (Demand Draft) or cheque, which must be mailed to our treasurer. Cheques and DD must be made to VLSI Society of India and must be payable in Bangalore. Please do not send cash. If you are sending a cheque from outside Karnataka, please add the appropriate bank transaction fee. We do not have support for credit card payment at this point of time. When VSI sets up exhibit booths at conferences, or during an event, we do accept cash payments.
Does VSI have life membership?
We have introduced 5-year membership for non-students and corporate members. Life membership is under consideration.
Does VSI have membership grades such as fellows, etc?
At this point, we do not have such grades. They will be introduced subsequently.
Can an organization become a member of VSI?
VSI has both individual (Students/ Non-students) and Corporate memberships. Any institution (educational or a company) subscribing to the purposes of the society is eligible for becoming a member of the VLSI Society of India. If a college/company becomes a corporate (or organizational) member, we will send a copy of all our publications (periodical and proceedings of all VSI workshops, short-courses and VDAT) to you.
When can I become a member of VSI?
The membership is open all-year round and application can be sent at any time of the year.
What is the validity of a 1-year membership?
The membership taken in a year is valid upto March 31. For example, if you become a member during September 2006, your membership is valid up to March 31, 2007.
How long is the VSI membership valid?
Membership is considered from April 1 of current year to March 31 of coming year. That is, if you opt for a membership this year after April 1, 2007, it will be valid up to March 31, 2008. However, for membership requests received during January - March, we relax the validity till March 31 of coming year. You may also opt to become a member while registering for an event to benefit discouted rates. Send both the Membership and Event registration together before the deadline as applicable to the particular event. We will send your Membership number by mail once the DD is received, which you may quote before the card is received.
Local Chapter
How can I start a local chapter of VSI?
You must be a member of VSI and in your region, you must have at least 100 members of VSI on a continual basis to start a chapter. Write to the secretary of VSI to get approval.
What is the refund policy of VSI?
If you are unable to attend an event and inform us at least two weeks in advance, we will refund 50% of your fees.
Can I transfer my registration to another person?
If you inform us 15 days in advance, we can transfer your registration to another person. However, you may not transfer the registration badge to another person. For example, two people cannot share a badge to attend sessions on two different days.
When a VSI event is organized, will my accommodation be arranged?
No. Please take care of your accommodation on your own.
Does VSI publish journals and books?
VSI members receive monthly e-newsletters on VSI events and other VSLI related news, articles and notifications on VSI conducte events. Visit VSI Member News Archive for past issues. You may download softcopies of past VSI VISION and newsletters in PDF under our publication section.
Does VSI publish proceedings of conducted events?
VSI compiles softcopies of the proceedings of all workshops, short-courses and VLSI Design and Test Symposium, which has hardcopy publication additionally. Visit our publication section for details.
How can I contribute to VSI Newsletter?
We welcome brief reports on VLSI related events, interviews with stalwarts in the field, feedback etc., apart from crossword puzzles, humor and such.
If you have not renewed your subscription, please do so immediately. Please note that moving forward, we plan to restrict the distribution of VSI VISION and all other communication (including VDAT mailing list) to our members only.
The FAQ is built on the queries we normally receive.
If you have other questions, please write to ravikumar@vlsi-india.org.