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Short Course on Digital Circuits Testing and Design for Testability

August 17 - 19, 2006
Bangalore, India

Venue: Hotel Atria, Palace Road

Seats are full and new registrations are not being accepted.


Organized by

In cooperation with

VLSI Society of India


IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, Bangalore Chapter


Testing of every manufactured device is necessary to ensure product quality. As the complexity of electronic integrated circuits grows, their testing has also become very complex and expensive. This course will provide an overview of the recent trends in testing of digital circuits and designing these circuits for better testability.

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Nilanjan Mukherjee received a B.Tech. (Hons) degree in Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineering from IIT Kharagpur, India, and a Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering from McGill University, Montreal, Canada. He has been with Mentor Graphics since 1999 and is currently leading the Test Synthesis Group within the DFT division. He is a co-inventor of the Embedded Deterministic Test Technology and was a lead developer for TestKompress, the leading test compression tool in the industry. Prior to Mentor, he was with Bell Laboratories at Lucent Technologies.

Nilanjan has published over 35 technical papers at various international conferences and refereed journals. He received the Best Paper Award at the VLSI Test Symposium in 1995 and co-authored a paper that received the Best Student Paper award at the 2001 Asian Test Symposium. Nilanjan is a co-inventor of 20 US patents, some of which are pending approval.

Professor Sudhakar M. Reddy received the B.Sc. degree in Physics and the B.E. degree in Electronic Communications Engineering (ECE) from Osmania University, Hyderabad, the M.E. degree in ECE from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. He joined the faculty of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Iowa in 1968 where he is currently a University of Iowa Foundation Distinguished Professor of ECE. He served as the Chairperson of the ECE Department from 1981 to 2000.

Professor Reddy has published well over four hundred papers in archival journals and the proceedings of international conferences. Several papers co-authored by him received best paper nominations and awards. Professor Reddy has given keynote talks at international conferences. He has also given one-day tutorials to practicing engineers at international conferences. He received a Von Humboldt Prize in 1995 and the first Life Time Achievement Award from the International Conference on VLSI Design. Professor Reddy is a Life Fellow of IEEE.

Professor Reddy has served on the committees of several international conferences. He was the Technical Program Committee Chair of the 1989 Fault Tolerant Computing Symposium. He has served twice as a guest editor for the special issues on Fault Tolerant Computing and as an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Computers and has been serving as an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on CAD for the last ten years.


Course Fee

Before July 15, 2006

After July 15, 2006

Professionals (Non- Members)

Rs. 6,000/-

Professionals (Non- Members)

Rs. 7,000/-

Professionals (VSI/ IEEE members)

Rs. 5,000/-

Professionals (VSI/ IEEE members)

Rs. 6,000/-

Students/Faculty  (Non-members)

Rs. 3,500/-

Students/Faculty  (Non-members)

Rs. 4000/-

Students/Faculty  (Members of VSI/ IEEE)

Rs. 3000/-

Students/Faculty  (Members of VSI/ IEEE)

Rs. 3,500/-

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