Ralf Pferdmenges
Design Methodology for sub-0.1 um Technologies
Dinesh Sharma, IIT Bombay
VLSI Education in India: Obvious Questions, Difficult Answers
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Sunil Sherlekar, TCS
The Silicon Saga: Recapitulating the Past & Speculating the Future
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M. Shankaranarayana Bhat, Rekha S. and Jamadagni H S.
Design of Current-mode CMOS Multiple- valued Latch
G.L.Biswas, K.D.N.V.S.Prasad and A.T.Kalghatgi.
Configurable I/Q Modulator using Cordic based DDS Architecture
Shankaranarayana Bhat and Jamadagni H S.
Design of Current-mode Flash ADC
Sreedhar Natarajan
Emerging Non Volatile Memory: Technological Promise Or Industrial Hoax
Atanendu Sekhar Mandal, Ravi Saini, Pramod Tanvar, Nitin Sharma, S.C.Bose,
Raj Singh and Chandra Shekhar
Designing an Embedded Processor: Specifications to Implementations
P Vijayakumar and K Gunavathi
Performance Optimization Of CMOS Circuits Using Retiming Algorithm With
Stepwise Charging
S. Sarkar,
Rajeevan Chandel and R.P. Agarwal
Voltage-Scaled Repeaters for Low- Power Long Interconnections in VLSI
Subhendu Kumar
Sahoo, Chandra Shekhar and Anu Gupta
A Compact Fast Parallel Multiplier Using Modified Equivalent Binary
Conversion Algorithm
Krishnamurthy and T.R.Sivaramakrishnan
Implementation of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm in a
resource limited FPGA
Hande V, Uday
Prabhu and Shardul Bapat
Real Time Interface between Automotive ECUs and a Simulator
Chandra Mohan Umapathy
High Speed Squarers
and Ganesh T.S.
Hardware Architecture for Message Padding in Cryptographic Hash Primitives
Ganesan S Iyer and
Rajendra M. Patrikar
An Application of Neural Network Learning to Physical Design Optimization
in VDSM Technology
Dipankar Das,
Rajeev Kumar and Partha P. Chakrabarti
Code Compression using Unused Encoding Space for Variable Length
Instruction Encodings
V. Appandai Raj,
D. Jovin Vasanth Kumar, R. Madhu Karthikeyan, S. Rajaram and V. Abhai
FPGA Implementation of OFDM Transceiver
Prashant Ramrao
Deshmukh and A.A. Ghatol
FPGA Implementation of DWT Based Image Compression Coder
Shaila Subbaraman and Vaishali V. Patil
FPGA/CPLD Based Solution to Stretch the Speed of Microprocessor /
Microcontroller Based Instrumentation
B. Venkataramani, G. Lakshminarayanan, M. Yousuff Shariff, T. Rajavelu and
M. Ramesh
Self tuning circuit for FPGA based wave pipelined multipliers
Gaurav Singh Nim
and B.S.Chauhan
FPGA Implementation of Multiple Target Segregator
G Thavasi Raja, S. Rajaram and V. Abhai Kumar
An FPGA Implementation of Code Phase Shift Keying Baseband Decoder
Prashant Ramrao
Deshmukh and A.A. Ghatol
FPGA Implementation of Subband Image Encoder using Discrete Wavelet
Chokkalingam, V.Thiyagarajan, S.Sasikumar and M.Madheswaran
Implementation of Convolutional Encoder and Hard-decision Viterbi Decoder
Soujanna Sarkar
and Subash Chandar Govindarajan
Embedded Tutorial : DSP Architectures
Anidya, Vaishali B
Mungurwadi and A.S.Dhar
VLSI Implementation of Viterbi Decoder
S. Muttad, Ashok Rao and D.V. Poornaiah
Systolic Array based VLSI Architecture for Motion Estimation in Video
Compression Applications
Physical Design and
Technology |
Nidhi Sawhney,
Shabbir Batterywala, Narendra Shenoy and Richard Rudell
Parallelizing a Statistical Capacitance Extractor
Subhashis Mandal,
Abhishek Somani, Shamik Sural, Robert Drury and Amit Patra
A Connection Graph based Variable Wire Width Approach to Analog Routing
Sreekanth K M,
Lionel Dahyot and Vinod Kumar
Novel Approach to Solve IP Integration Problems in an Era of SOC
Ravishankar Arunachalam and Aniket Singh
Maximization of Aggressor Influence in Crosstalk-Delay Testing
Sachin Shrivastava
and Sreeram Chandrashekhar
Crosstalk Noise Analysis at Multiple Frequencies
Sushrant Monga,
Paras Garg and Frederic Hasbani
A Mathematical Analysis of Analog and Digital summation techniques in
compensation Block for I/O Buffers
Anil V Nandi, Saumen Das and S.K.Lahiri
Development of Silicon Piezoresistive Accelerometer for Avionics
Sunil Kumar
Vashishtha and Basabi Bhaumik
1.5V, 10-bit, ±1200 mV Input range, CMOS, Pipelined Analog-to-Digital
Venkatesh C. and
Navakanta Bhat
A MEMS Oscillator based on displacement sensing principle
Anuj Madan, Sumeet Jindal, B.Prasad and P.J.George
An Efficient Monte Carlo Device Simulator to calculate Velocity Ovesrhoot
Harish B.P.,
Srinivasan R., and Navakanta Bhat
Process Sensitivity Evaluation of 90nm CMOS Tecnology With
Gate-to-Source/Drain Overlap Length as a Device Design Parameter
Suresh Nalluri and
A.P.Shiva Prasad
Response Surface Methodology Based Design Approach for Yield Enhancement
of Analog Integrated Circuits
Kanishka Biswas, S. Das, K. Dey, D. K. Maurya and S. Kal
Study of Single Crystalline Silicon (100) Surface Topography Etched in KOH
Sudeb Dasgupta and
Ritambhar Roy
Charactersiation of Gate Oxide Leakage Current of NANO-MOSFET Using
Green's Function Approach
Rajesh Kumar Sangati, Sowjanya Syamala and Navakanta Bhat
Capacitance Sensing Techniques for MEMS Gyroscope
Srinivasan R and
Navakanta Bhat
Reassessment of Channel Engineering in Sub-100nm MOSFETs
Ganesan.S.Iyer and
Effect on Surface Roughness on Physical Design Parameters
Syed Saif Abrar
Early, Fast & Accurate Software Power Estimation for Embedded Digital
Signal Processors
Lakshmi Prabha
Viswanathan and Elwin Chandra Monie
Power Estimation in Embedded Systems from a Pre-characterized Module
Lakshmi Prabha
Viswanathan and Elwin Chandra Monie
Dynamic Power Management in an Embedded System for Multiple Service
Siddharth Tata,
Siddharth Garg and Ravishankar Arunachalam
Gate Level Dynamic Power Estimation in the Presence of Varying Process
Satya Sridhar
Narayanabhatla, Kiran Satyamangala Jaisimha and Binoj Xavier
nWATT: Power Planning Methodology In Physical Design |
Poster Papers - Physical Design
J.Manikandan, M.Jayaraman and M. Jayachandran
Electronic Flow Regulator (EFR) using Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA)
K.Gunavathi and S.Subramanian
A Low Power Asynchronous Pipeline FIFO
Poorva Waingankar
and Archana Kale
Generation of Critical Sub-graphs for Timing Analysis of Digital Circuits
using Logical Pruning
G. Seetharaman, B.
Venkataramani and G. Lakshminarayanan
Design and FPGA implementation of wavepipelined distributed arithmetic
based filters
T.Kalaivani and
Design and Implementation of ECG Codec in FPGA
P.Kalpana and
An Approach to the Classification of Analog and Mixed Signal Circuits in
an Oscillation based Testing Scheme using Wavelets
Sharadchandra Puranik and D.C.Gharpure
FPGA Based Multilayer Feedforward Neural Network and its Applications for
Odor Sensing
Josemin Bala G,
Poonkuzhali N and Raja Paul Perinbam J
Energy Recovery Low Power CAM Design
Pratap Ghorpade,
Marthand Patil and Yamini Sharma
Design of Syndrome Calculation for Reed Solomon Codes
Subhankar Das,
Raviraj Vader and Mahesh Kamat
On-Rail-Passenger Information System (ORPIS)
Namita Mujumdar
and Akshata Mahale
VLSI Implementation of I2C Interface (Slave part)
K. De and S. Kal
A CMOS Analog Front-end for MEMS Sensor Interface Circuit
Y.V.Ramana Rao,
N.Venkateswaran and S. Sundar
High Speed Circuit Design for 4-bit and 8-bit Unsigned Integer Squarer
Reddy and Parimala N.
Processor Selection for Embedded System Design by using SGA
R.S.D.Wahida Banu and M.Ramya
VLSI Implementation of Canceling Maternal ECG from Fetal ECG
Anand Yaligar,
Aditya Desai and Vinayak Bhat
CMOS Implementation of Cellphone Interface |
Test and Verification |
Sarath Kumar Reddy, Ravi Dasari and Venkata Rangam
An ATPG Approach for 2-D Array Configurable Logic Structures
Shantanu Gupta, Santanu Chattopadhyay and Tarang Vaish
A Novel Approach to Reduce Test Power Consumption
Susanta Chakraborti, Pradyut Sarkar and Arindam Karmakar
Fault Diagnosis by Spectral Method
Debesh Kumar Das and Bhargab Bhattacharya
Redundancy and Undetectability of Faults in Logic Circuits: A Tutorial
Vishal Dalal
Single Full Chip Vector for Functional Testing
Sarveswara Tammalli and Jais Abraham
Hierarchichal ATPG Static Pattern Compression
N.Vijayaraghavan and Dimple Lalwani
Automated Silicon Debugging Methodology for Validating Standard Cells
Subhashis Mandal, Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay, Amit Patra and Santosh Biswas
A BIST Approach to On-Line Monitoring of Digital VLSI Circuits: Theory, Design and Implementation
Subash Chandra Bose, CEERI, Vishal Gupta and Dinesh Jain
Fault Observability Analysis of CMOS Op-amp in Frequency domain
Sunil Kakkar
Advanced Processor Architectures- The Verification Challenge
Pritam Roy, Pallab Dasgupta and P P Chakrabarti
An Assertion-based Language for Generating Test Sequences for Complex Temporal Behavior
K. Uday Bhaskar, G. Chandramouli, and V. Kamakoti
Parikhsa - A functional Verification Architecture for x86 Processors
Bhaskar Pal, A. Banerjee, P. Dasgupta, P.P. Chakrabarti and K. Chaitanya
A Simulation Coverage Metric for Analyzing the Behavioral Coverage of an Assertion Based Verification IP
Poster Papers
J.Ramesh, D.DineshKumar, M.Veeraragavalu and K.Gunavathi
A Novel CMOS BIST scheme for On-Chip ADC and DAC testing
P.Kalpana, L.Gautham, S.Mahesh and K.Gunavathi
A Novel Test Method for Analog Circuits using Wavelet Analysis
P.Nandi, T.Pattnayak, S.Biswas, S.Mukhopadhyay and A.Patra
A New Approach to Analog Scan using Time Delays
Shekhar Pradhan and Felica W. Blanks, Bluefield State College, West
Virginia, USA
The Role of Institutional Development and Advancement Office in Promoting
Undergraduate VLSI Education - A Role Model Concept
Vineet Sahula,
MNIT Jaipur
VLSI Curriculum in Indian Universities: An Analysis and Prescription