4th VLSI Design And Test Workshops

August 25-27, 2000
The Habitat World, Lodi Road, New Delhi
Please visit VSI publications for details on VDAT proceedings.
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Physical Synthesis for Timing Convergence: Practice and Experience
Jagdish Rao, Texas Instruments (India)

System-level Testability Issues of Core-based System-On-Chip
V. Ranganathan, RealChip

SOC Methodologies: COSY
P.Jayakumar, Philips Semconductors, Bangalore

Testing Core-Based Systems

Test Point Insertion in Core-based Designs at RTL VHDL Specifications
D. Ravikumar, V. Meshram, and G. Mani, CRL, BEL (Bangalore)

Optimization of IDDQ Test Architecture for Core-based Systems
Rahul Kumar, IIT Delhi


A Scaleable Verification Environment for Complex SoC Designs
Amitabh Menon, Jagdish Rao, Vaideeswaran S, Bharathi V, Texas Instruments (India)

Testing in a VLSI Curriculum
V.D. Agrawal. Bell Labs, USA

Addressing Verification Bottlenecks using Equivalence Checkers
Subhash Chandar G. and Vaideeswaran S., Texas Instruments (India)

Synchronisation Techniques for Verification of Dual Execution Stream Processors
Lakshmi Srinivasan, Sudhakar Surendran and Rubin A. Parekhji, Texas Instruments, India

Test Generation

Enhanced Mutual Testing
Nitin Kakkar and C.P. Ravikumar, IIT Delhi

Testing Asynchronous Squential Circuits using Synchronous Model
M.C. Bhuvaneshwari and K. Shivanandam, PSG College of Technology

Automatic Functional Pattern Generation for Verification of FSMs and Interacting FSMs
Raghuram, Texas Instruments (India)

Trends in Testing

Scan Chain Reordering
Vivek Agarwal et al., Texas Instruments (India)

High-Speed VLSI Testing With Slow Test Application
V.D. Agrawal, Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies, USA, Carlos G. Parodi, Lucent Technologies, NJ, USA, and Jason David, NJIT, USA

Fault Grading for Functional Testing of Microprocessors
Rajesh Kannah, ATI Tech.

Design Methodologies

A Methodology for Automation of Design Reuse
Sacheendra Nath, Rupesh Shelar, and Jagmohan Nanaware, Silicon Automation Sysems

Hierarchical Concurrent Flow Graphs for Analysis of Design Processes
Vineet Sahula, IIT Delhi

Exploring VLSI System Arhitectures
Ajay Harikumar and Ashutosh Tiwari, Philips Semiconductors, Bangalore

Hardware-Software Partitioning in a Reconfigurable Environment
Puneet Gupta, Mindtree and Nitij Mangal, nVIDIA

Performance Analysis

Performance Modelling (YAPI-VCC-TSS-NAPA interfaces)
Sirisha Voruganti, Philips Semiconductors, Bangalore

Advances in Static Timing Analysis
Savithri, Motorola India Electronics Ltd

Characterizing A Flip-Flop
Prashant Dubey, ST Microelectronics

A methodolgy for high level behavioral modelling of DSPs
Samvit Kaul and Suneel Kumar Reddy, Philips Semiconductors


Software Power Optimizations in an Embedded System
Vishal Dalal, Silicon Automation Systems

Maximum Power Estimation Using Transition Fault ATPG
Rakesh Babu Bobba, Jais Abraham and Rubin A. Parekhji, Texas Instruments, India

Current Issues in Physical Design

Integrated Crosstalk and Oxide Integrity Analysis in ASIC Designs
P.R. Suresh, N.V. Arvind, Texas Instruments India, V. Sivakumar, Chandrani Pal, and Debaprasad Das

Effect of Ionizing Radiation on the performance of NMOS inverter
R.K. Chauhan, S. Dasgupta, and P. Chakrabarti. Banaras Hindu University

Performance of Routability Driven FPGA Placement
P. Kannan and D. Bhatia, University of Cincinnati

Clock distribution networks
Donepudi Narasayya and Srikant Reddy Modugula, ST Microelectronics

Layout Tutorial

Wirelength Minimization in Routing and Performance Enhancement in VLSI Design
S. Sensharma and R. Pal, University of Calcutta

Memory Design

Design and development of Multiport memory generator
Pratul Sharma, Amrish Kontu and Amit Bhansali, CRND, ST Microelectronics, India

Design and Development Small Size memory in 0.18 Micron technology
Dibya Dipti, Seema Jain, Nirmallya Kar, CRND, ST Microelectronics, India

Ideas in Logic Design

A New Synthesis of Symmetric Functions
Debesh Das, Jadavpur University, H. Rahman, Jadavpur University, and B. Bhattacharya, ISI Calcutta

Faster Modular Multiplication in Hardware
Sacheendra Nath, Silicon Automation Systems

Design and FPGA Implementation of Vector Quantization Circuit using VHDL
Kamran Nabi Khan, Controlnet India