3rd VLSI Design And Test Workshops

August 20-21, 1999
The Habitat World, Lodi Road, New Delhi
Please visit VSI publications for details on VDAT proceedings.
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Test Sequence Generation with Cellular Automata
Prabir Dasgupta, Santau Chattopadhyay and I. Sengupta, IIT Kharagpur

Test Simulation Flow for Mixed Signal ICs
Amit Premy, Texas Instruments, India

Testing of Asynchronous Circuits
M.C. Bhuvaneshwari and S.N. Shivanandam, PSG College of Technology

Design for Testability

Design for Testability Issues. in VLSI Chip Design
T. Ramesh, Philips Semiconductors, Bangalore, India

Techniques for Improving Fault Coverage in Embedded Core Based Systems
A.Bagwe and Rubin Parekhji, Texas Instruments, Bangalore, India

Testing Memory Designs
Srikanth Balasubramanian, Philips Semiconductors, Bangalore, India

New Ideas in Testing

Power-constrained Optimization of Test Plans
Gaurav Chandra, Ashutosh Verma, C.P. Ravikumar, IIT Delhi

Recursive Pseudoexhaustive Test Pattern Generation with Cellular Automata
Prabir Dasgupta, Santanu Chattopadhyay, I. Sengupta, IIT Kharagpur

Design Tradeoffs for Test of Embedded Cores
N.Prasad, J.Abraham and R.A.Parekhji, Texas Instruments, India


On-chip characterization and Debugging methodology for high-speed embedded memories
Anand Hardi, Anil Kalra, Balwant Singh, Santosh and Shamsi Azmi, ST Microelectronics

Processor Emulation Design and Verification
Rubin Parekhji, Texas Instruments (India) Ltd.

A BIST for Detecting Multiple Stuck-open and Delay Faults by Transition Counts
Hafizur Rahaman, Debesh K. Das, and Bhargab B. Bhattacharya

VLSI Design Process

Extended Signal Flow Graph Model for VLSI Design Processes
Vineet Sahula, IIT Delhi

System-level VLSI Design Experiences
V. Srisha and Saif Khan, Philips Semiconductors, Bangalore, India

Memory Design

RTL Design of a Small Memory
B. Suresh and Harinath, Texas Instruments (India) Ltd.

Design and Results of a Hierarchical Megabit SRAM Compiler
R. Varambally and Christophe Frey, ST Microelectronics

Power-constrained Testing of Embedded SRAMs
G. Sreenivas, Cypress Semiconductors

Low-Power Digital Signal Processing

A Methodology for Exploring Area-Delay-Power Space for DSP
Mahesh Mehendale, Texas Instruments (India) Ltd

Low Power Microarchitectures for Programmable DSPs
Amitabh Menon, Texas Instruments (India) Ltd

System Level Considerations in Realizing Low Power DSP Applications
S.D. Sherlekar, Silicon Automation Systems

Design Ideas

Area-Efficient Digital Waveform Generators
Rohit Sharma, Texas Instruments (India) Ltd

Clock Generator Chip: Architecture/Design Issues
Anil K. Gundurao and Kaushal, Cypress Semiconductors

I/O Pad Design
Pradeep Mandal, Philips Semiconductors, Bangalore, India

Layout Optimization

Efficient Algorithm for the Channel Inversion Problem
S. Sahni. University of Florida

Complex Triangle Elimination Problem and its Applications to VLSI
Parthasarathi DasGupta, Indian Institute of Management

Layout Algorithms for FPGA
Dinesh Bhatia, University of Cincinnati. OH, USA

Signal Integrity

Crosstalk Estimation in VLSI Circuits
S. Sankara Subramanian, ATI Tech, G. Rajagopalan, Analog Devices, and C.P. Ravikumar, IIT Delhi

An approach towards Hierarchical Detection of ESD Errors in a Physical Layout
Sabyasachi Nag and Ananth Somayaji, Texas Instruments (India) Ltd

An Effective Methodology to Extract Parasitic from Layout
C. Rajkumar and Sanjay Kulkarni, Texas Instruments (India) Ltd


A Physical Layout Efficiency Checker with an Emhpasis on Die Area Reduction
Ganesh Kamath and Preetham Kumar, Texas Instruments (India) Ltd

Decomposition of Finite State Machines for Area, Delay Minimization
Rupesh S. Shelar, Silicon Automation Systems, Madhav Desai and H. Narayanan, IIT Bombay

Estimating the Deadline Miss Probability in Real Time Embedded Systems
Shampa Chakraverty, Netaji Subhash Institute of Technology