Report by: Dr. Partha Sharathi Mallick M (President, VIT Chapter)
xperience VLSI, a one day Lecture Series on VLSI Engineering was held on March 27th 2010 at VIT University, Vellore, India. It was the first event organized by the VLSI Society of India, VIT Chapter. The objective of the event was to sensitize the young minds in the field of VLSI and to make them comfortable in choosing VLSI Design as a career option. The event was attended by 136 individuals from across the country. Participants included Engineering UG & PG students and teaching staff of various engineering colleges. The event provided a platform for the Industry-Institute interaction.
The event began with a welcome speech by Dr Partha S Mallick, President, VLSI Society of India, VIT Chapter, and he mentioned the dedication of VSI, VIT Chapter in conducting many such events in future. The inaugural speech was by the Chief Guest, Dr. T Jayabharati, Director, School of Electrical Engineering, VIT University. She remarked that such events are necessary to bridge the industry-institute gap. xperience VLSI had top notch industry and academic professionals speaking on various topics. They shared their industry and academic experiences with the participants.


The event also had a panel discussion on the topic careers@Device and VLSI Industry. The speakers were Sankar Dasiga, Team Leader, NXP Semiconductors, Bangalore, Prof. K Ganesan, Director, TIFAC-CORE, VIT University, Debasis Sahu, Project Leader Sankalp Semiconductors, R.Mohan, Project Leader, Sankalp Semiconductors, and Dr. D Meganatan, Professor Anna University, Chennai. The panel discussion was chaired by Prof J P Raina, Director, Centre for Nanotechnology Research, VIT University. The entire event was coordinated by the student members Amey Kulkarni and Jameer Ahmed.
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