Report by: Prof. Komala Soares, Secretary, VSI Goa Chapter
The annual workshop on VLSI and Embedded Systems was held on 21st March, 2009 at the Padre Conceicao College of Engineering, Verna, Goa. It was the third workshop since inception of VSI Goa Chapter in the year 2006, and was well attended. Dr K R Pai, HoD, Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, PCCE, Verna was the chief guest, and Dr.K.R.Anupama of BITS-Pilani, Goa Campus the guest of honor. The chapter's new website at was also opened to public during the inauguration.
The chapter's committee member Mr Shailesh Khanolkar compered the proceedings, and Mr Antonio Mascarenhas welcomed the gathering and explained the role of the society. On behalf of the society he appealed to the gathering to come out with some of their best ideas towards application of new technologies in the areas of Healthcare and Energy conservation. The President of the Chapter Mr Deepak Chodankar summed up the chapter's activities and appealed to the students to actively participate in all the events.
 Chief guest Dr.K.R.Anupama, BITS-Pilani Goa Campus inaugurating the event
 Mr Antonio Mascarenhas welcoming the Chief guest
Dr K R Pai, the chief guest in his address lauded the chapter's activities and pledged his support for all the future initiatives of the society. This was followed by the tutorial on Deeply Embedded Systems by Dr Anupama. Mr Anil Raikar, Persistent Systems Limited conducted the tutorial on Embedded systems. Ten student papers were presented, the qulaity of which was commended by the judges. Three papers were adjudged best and were given cash prizes:
1. Hardware Implementation of a Stand alone Iris Recognition System by Vinita Freitas, Usham Dias, Sandeep Shanbhag, and Amanda Rebello
2. Frequency Division Multiplexing Technique for Near Infrared light Delivery for Instrumentation for Diffuse Optical Tomograghy by Panday Konark
3. Detection of Heart Diseases using Artificial Neural networks by Ambesh Sinai Agni, Anand Toshniwal, Shariq Khan, Manasi Patkar, and Kaustubh Sinai Bhangui
 Dr.K.R.Anupama conducting the Tutorial
 President Mr Deepak Chodankar addressing the audience
Mr Prashant Deshpande, Executive member of VSI Goa cahpter, chaired the valedictory function, and Mrs Komala Soares, Secretary, VSI Goa cahpter proposed the vote of thanks. Certificates of participation and best paper cash prizes with certificate of commendation were given away by Mr Vishnudas Silimkhan, DLink.
 A section of Audience
 VSI Goa Chapter members and volunteers
The VSI Goa chapter acknowleges the the active participation by volunteers Granville Goes, Geeta Hegde, Suprita Naik, Siddesh Naik and Trisha Fernandes in making the event successful, and expresses special gratitude to Fr.Orlando Rodriguis, Director, Padre Conceicao College of Engineering and Dr.Louis Masquita, The Principal, Padre Conceicao College of Engineering, and the staff members of ETC Dept., for providing all the support and well equipped venue. The participants were impressed with the educative workshop, and expressed a sincere desire to participate in more of such events in the future.