Two day National conference on Design Techniques for modern electronic devices, VLSI and Communication Systems (DTVC-2007)
May 14-15, 2007 - ECE Dept, NIT Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh
Sponsored by: VLSI Society of India, TEQIP NIT Hamirpur, MCIT DIT Govt. of India SMDP-II
Cosponsored by: M/S Technics, New Delhi
Supported by: Integrated Microelectronics - Gurgaon, Himaay Enterprises - Shimla and Advance Technology - Chandigarh
Report by: Dr. Rajeevan Chandel & Dr. Ashwani Kumar Chandel, NIT Hamirpur, HP India
The two day national conference on Design Techniques for modern electronic devices, VLSI and Communication Systems (DTVC-2007) was successfully held at NIT Hamirpur Himachal Pradesh, during 14-15, May 2007 was organized by the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering NIT Hamirpur. The conference was well attended by twelve world renowned academician experts and over hundred delegates from all over the country. The main objective of the National Conference was to bring the industrial professionals and academicians together for a better appreciation of the challenges in the design techniques in the emerging areas of very large scale integration (VLSI) and communications systems. Following deliberations were made by eminent experts and learned delegates during the two days of the National Conference:
14 May 2007 : Dr. R. L. Chauhan Chairman BOG of NIT Hamirpur was the Chief Guest of the inauguration of the Conference. Dr. C.P. Ravikumar Senior Director Texas Instruments Lmt. Bangalore was the keynote speaker of the National Conference. In his keynote talk he covered the various aspects of VLSI design, computing, communication and control. He discussed the new technologies on the horizon and the associated challenges. Prof. GS Visweswaran IIT Delhi, Prof. Dinesh Sharma IIT Bombay delivered invited tutorials on Analog VLSI Design and CMOS OP-Amp design respectively. Prof. S. Sarkar MITS Sikar Rajasthan (formerly at IIT Roorkee) in his invited talk covered low power VLSI Interconnect design issues. Prof. A.K. Saxena IIT Roorkee focused on the need for research in gallium arsenide compound semiconductors for enhanced speeds of the devices. Dr. Rajeevan Chandel iterated on the need for low power interconnect design for improvements in the portable electronic gadgets. There were four technical sessions on first day.
 Dr. CP Ravikumar being felicitated during DTVC-2007
 Dr. CP Ravikumar delivering the key note address
15 May 2007: Prof. D. Mukhopadhaya from Jadavpur University and Prof. S Sarkar conducted Invited Tutorials on Nano-Electronics and Low-Power VLSI Design respectively. Prof. I.K. Bhat Director NIT Hamirpur highlighted the need for R&D in nanocarbon tubes, nano-nets and nano-materials in near future. Prof. Ajay Sharma NIT Jalandhar highlighted the importance of optical and wireless communication. Prof. S.S. Rajput Prof IIITM Gwalior cum Sc-E NPL India New Delhi delivered on low power analog VLSI design issues. There were four technical sessions on second day as well. This was followed by valedictory session.
Recommendations of DTVC-2007: Useful conclusions and recommendations have been drawn during the two days National Conference in Design Techniques DTVC-2007. Research is required to be pursued in sincere earnest in new avenues of VLSI viz. modeling, simulation and analysis of modern electronic devices, digital & analog VLSI design issues and optimization techniques, testability of VLSI chips, interconnect design techniques, optimal routing and placement, embedded system design, reliability & harmonic analysis. Research avenues in the area of communication include global positioning system (GPS), WiMax, 3G-HSDPA/LTE, 2G-GSM/CDMA, WiFi, Zigbee, Ultra wideband (UWB), personal area network, bluetooth, near field, RFID, mobile communication, digital signal & image processing, parallel distributed and high performance computing.
 DTVC-2007 Proceedings being released by Dr. RL Chauhan along with Dr. IK Bhat, Dr. CP Ravikumar & Dr. Rajeevan Chandel
 Prof. IK Bhat & Prof. D. Mukhopadhaya presenting the conference memento to Dr. Rajeevan Chandel
The delegates of the Conference were faculty from several Engineering colleges in the Country, research scholars, professionals from industry, M.Tech and some B.Tech students. The feedback for the workshop was very good and the participants expressed the need for more such events in future as well. The speakers’ expertise and their involvement with the audience were highly appreciated. The Conference Proceedings follows IEEE standards, is of high quality and well appreciated by the delegates and experts. The ethnic HP Cultural Evening on the first day was highly appreciated. Prof I.K. Bhat Director NIT Hamirpur was the patron of the Conference and Chief Guest of the valedictory function. He iterated that the academic curriculum needs to be mapped to the industry requirements in these research areas. He appreciated the efforts of the organizers of the Conference. Dr. Rajeevan Chandel AP & Head E&CED NIT Hamirpur was the General Chair cum coordinator of the National Conference DTVC-2007. Dr. Ashwani Kumar Chandel AP EED NIT Hamirpur, the Organizing Secretary of the Conference said that such technical activities have become a regular feature at NIT Hamirpur and they shall strive to take the R&D work to newer heights. Other than the invited lectures & tutorial, 50 papers were presented. The CD of proceedings were provided to the student participants. The Best Paper Awards in National Conference DTVC-2007 were given to the following papers on the recommendations of the experts, to encourage younger generation to go in for research:
Best paper award (in UG Student Category) was given to Devesh P. Singh, Rasik Banta, P. Bhatt, R. Chandel, Comparative Study of two Operand Binary Adders.
Best paper award (in PG Student Category) was given to Rohan Gupta, M. Arif, O.S. Khanna, Frequency Domain Model Reduction Approach to the Construction of the System Model of the IIR Digital Filter.
The organizers sincerely thank the sponsors of the National Conference DTVC-2007 viz. TEQIP NIT Hamirpur, VLSI society of India (VSI), MCIT DIT Govt. of India SMDP-II, Co-sponsor M/S Technics New Delhi and supporters Integrated Microelectronics Gurgaon, Himaay Enterprises Shimla and Advance Technology Chandigarh. For details please do visit: http://www.nitham.ac.in , http://ece-conference.glug-nith.org