VLSI Society of India

Illuminated Maharaja's Palace

Illuminated Mysore Palace



VLSI Education Workshop

SJCE, Mysore

May 24,2004 to June 5, 2004

Sponsored by VLSI Society of India (http://vlsi-india.org/vsi)

Cosponsored by: IEEE-SSC/EDS Bangalore, IEEE-SJCE Mysore



Agenda for Week 1


Morning (9.30 AM – 1.30 PM)
Afternoon (2.30 PM – 5.30 PM)
May 24, Mon
Inauguration. Invited Talk by Mahesh Mehendale.
Analog VLSI Circuits. Tutorial by Dr Navakanta Bhat.
May 25, Tue
Analog VLSI Circuits. Tutorial by Dr. Navakanta Bhat.
Custom VLSI Layout and Device Simulation Lab.
May 26, Wed
VLSI CAD Tools. Tutorial by Dr A. Ravishankar.
Custom VLSI Layout and Device Simulation Lab.
May 27, Thu
VLSI Design using FPGA and VHDL. Tutorial by Dr. A. Kuruvilla.
FPGA Design Lab.
May 28, Fri
VLSI Architectures. Tutorial by Dr. C.R. Venugopal. DSP Architectures. Tutorial by Dr. Ashok Rao.
FPGA Design Lab.
May 29, Sat
CAD for VLSI. Tutorial by Dr C.P. Ravikumar.


Agenda for Week 2


Morning (9.30 AM – 1.30 PM)
Afternoon (2.30 PM – 5.30 PM)
May 31, Mon
Mathematical Methods for VLSI. Tutorial by Dr. M.V. Atre. Process Flow. Tutorial by Mr. AVSS Prasad.
VLSI CAD Tools Lab.
June 1,  Tue
Project Case Studies. Dr. Mahant-Shetti.
Commercial EDA Tool Demonstration – CG-CoreEl.
June 2, Wed
Verification and Testing. Tutorial by Dr. R. Parekhji.
Commercial EDA Tool Demonstration – ICON Design Automation.
June 3, Thu
Practical Design Projects. Tutorial by Analog Devices.
Lab Demonstration. Analog Devices.
June 4, Fri
IC Reliability. Dr. P.R. Suresh and Dr. M. Radhakrishnan.
Commercial EDA Tool Demonstration – Synopsys.
June 5,  Sat
Analog IC Design. Tutorial by Dr. K. Radhakrishna Rao.
Workshop Feedback and Valedictory Function.

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