
Click here to read the advance program for VED 2000.

VLSI Education Day
27 August 2000
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

With the growing need for VLSI/CAD professionals in India, there is a need to introduce VLSI in the curriculum of Bachelor of Engineering/Technology programs all over the country. Some educational institutions already have well developed programs in the area of VLSI/CAD, while others are trying to establish such programs. What are the challenges in establishing and maintaining a state-of-the-art VLSI program? What should be included in such a curriculum? Does the absence of VLSI fabrication facility in India pose a serious problem to such a curriculum? What does industry expect from graduating engineers with VLSI specialization: knowledge of using CAD tools, capability to build CAD tools, knowledge of design and simulation, or knowledge of VLSI technology? How can we build synergy between VLSI industries and educational institutions?


To answer these questions and other related ones, a one-day workshop is being organized at IIT Delhi. Participants include faculty from leading educational institutions, VLSI industry professionals, and representatives of concerned governmental bodies. The intention of the workshop is to bring these professionals together to set up an active debate on the stated issues. In addition, the workshop will identify a model curriculum for a Bachelor/Master of Engineering program in VLSI. The workshop will also compile the various resources that are available to educators for teaching VLSI courses. 



We may be able to support faculty from Engineering colleges who wish to attend the event through a limited travel grant and acommodation at IIT Delhi. Please write to Prof. C.P. Ravikumar, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi, New Delhi 110016. Or send E-mail to cpravikumar@hotmail.com. Please include a statement of purpose on why you wish to attend the workshops and whether you wish to make a contribution to the model curriculum.


The VLSI Education Day will be held at IIT Delhi on August 27, 2000. This is immediately after the VLSI Design and Test Workshops (VDAT 2000). A number of experts in the area of VLSI who will attend VDAT 2000 are expected to attend the VLSI Education Day. A number of industries have already pledged support for the events. Industries who wish to sponsor the event by placing an advertisement in the proceedings can contact Prof. C.P. Ravikumar, Organizing Chair. 
E-mail: cpravikumar@hotmail.com
FAX: 11-658 1264