14th VLSI Design And Test Symposium
To promote applications and research related to all aspects of VLSI in India
Call for Participation
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Paper submission

Paper submission/review for VDAT Symposium is managed online, using Microsoft’s Conference Management Service. CMT is a conference management service sponsored by Microsoft Research

Please use the link https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/VDAT2010/Default.aspx to register at Microsoft's CMT website as an author/ reviewer.

Paper submission involves two stages:
1. Initial submission by all prospective authors on areas of topics mentioned in the Call for Participation. After the review process, the list of selected papers is announced.
2. Final submission of selected papers:
  • a. Final paper based on the reviews, for the Softcopy proceedings, with no page limits. Authors may include colored photographs and images.
  • b. Presentation foils of the paper intended for presentation during the conference, in PPT or PPS format. This will undergo review by the concerned Session Chair.
  • Both the final paper and presentation will be included in the softcopy in PDF format.
  • c. Camera-ready version of the final paper for hardcopy publication. Authors must follow the page-limit and formatting indicated below. The hardcopy proceedings will be published after the conference. Only the papers that were presented at the symposium will be considered for inclusion in the proceedings. As a result, there will be no requirement of submission of camera-ready papers in DOC format before the conference. Only the final paper in PDF, with all reviewer comments implemented is to be submitted for Softcopy proceedings.
  • It is assumed that at least one author will register and attend the conference to present the paper. Hardcopy proceedings will be mailed to the attendees within 6 months of the event.

    Register as an Author

    All users (authors and reviewers) need to create their login ID and profile at the above mentioned Microsoft's CMT website, by clicking "New User Registration". The instructions are self-explanatory. Your e-mail id is treated as the Username.

    Help and Guide on using CMT is available at https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/Cmt2Help/

    If you forget your password, the system will allow you to reset the password.

    If you submit a trial version of the manuscript, please ensure to delete it before submitting the final version to avoid the trial version getting reviewed.

    You must enter all the fields shown - title, abstract, authors, subject areas, and the file in PDF. Finally, enter the confirmation.

    Please ensure that you have mentioned all the authors at the time of submission. You may not add or delete authors later.
    It is imperative that one of the authors will register and present the paper if the paper gets accepted. Please see the last dates for submission, and acceptation by the author of a selected paper to attend.

    Please ensure that the title you select is the final one - you may not change the title later.

    Do not identify yourselves in the paper either directly or indirectly. VDAT will use blind review procedure. Your paper will be rejected if the Program Chair feels that you have identified yourselves directly or indirectly. File name of the paper must also not reveal an author's identity.

    VDAT will also accept embedded tutorials of 45 min to 1 hr duration. There is no fundamental difference between an embedded tutorial and a paper, except that the embedded tutorial is a survey of previously published work. In both cases, we will need the full paper in PDF or WORD format. The authors of embedded tutorials may identify themselves and include a brief biography of the speaker who will deliver the tutorial. If there are multiple authors, the speaker must be clearly identified and only his/her biography must be included.

    Initial submission to be in PDF format, with a 5MB size limit. After submitting the paper, ensure that the paper has been properly submitted by downloading it. All submitting authors would be notified on acceptance/ non-acceptance of each paper.

    General CMT usage Instructions:

    Create a CMT account using the "New User? Sign Up Here" link on the main page.
    Microsoft Internet Explorer; (IE) versions 6 and 7.
    FireFox; Current and released versions 2.0 and above.
    Note: Other Browsers may work if they support Javascript and SSL.
    Enable Javascript in the browser settings or options. The CMT Web interface uses Javascript and will not function correctly without it being enabled.
    Check to see that your browser allows cookies. Cookies are required to be enabled in order to use the CMT service. Set Security in the Browser to allow or accept cookies.
    If your browser supports a list of sites, please add https://cmt.research.microsoft.com to the list of allowed sites.
    Accept the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Certificate popup to allow you to connect to the CMT server over a secure connection. Once you accept a certificate it is added to a list of Trusted Certificates and you won't be asked to accept or reject the certificate again. If you reject a certificate, you will be unable to connect to any CMT conference.
    After you change your Browser settings close and restart the Browser.
    Wait until the page completely loads before clicking again on the buttons on a page.
    Go to the CMT conference main page.
    Click on the Reset your password link.
    Enter the email entered into CMT as your username.
    An email with a link to allow the password to be reset you will be sent to that email address. Click on the link and follow the instructions to set the password.
    Note: The "Reset your password" function will send you an email with a link. Click on the link, Do not reply to the email. If you do not receive the email check your "junk" email or verify you are looking for the email using the email address that you used when clicking "Reset your password".

    Guidelines to authors

  • The submissions should represent original contribution and should not have been submitted to other forums.
  • It is important that abstracts bring out the contribution and novelty of the paper.
  • Students must note that reusing material from published work is incorrect and amounts to violation of copyright.
  • Survey papers are not acceptable.
  • Submitting authors must become members of the VDAT mailing list, through which updates are intimated.
  • Authors must upload their submissions at the specified website, and must not send it through mail.
  • Submissions will undergo blind review – the authors must not include their names or affiliations.
  • The file name also should not reveal the author's name or affiliation.
  • Notification

    All the submitting authors are notified on the status of acceptance via mail, and the reviews are displayed on the relevant website, to aid the authors of accepted papers to improvize final submission.

    Final submission (Accepted papers)

    Page limit

    The hardcopy proceedings will be published after the conference. Only the papers that were presented at the symposium will be considered for inclusion in the proceedings. The below notes on Page-limit and Formatting apply to the final camera-ready version, to be submitted after the conference.

    The accepted papers are published in the hardcopy of proceedings, and also distributed as softcopy along with their slides. The papers are categorized as Full papers/Embedded Tutorials and Short Papers. Full papers get 10 pages in the hardcopy and Short papers 8 pages. As the paper size of the VDAT proceedings are smaller than letter size, follow the guidelines to format page layout.

    The set page limit for both category includes figures, text, references etc.,

    If the authors notice that they are exceeding the page limit set by the committee, they must contact the Publications Chair for approval. The publications chair has the authority to approve one extra page. Authors have the option of buying at most two extra pages by paying Rs. 1000/- per page. Send the DD to Finance Chair; and make the draft payable to VDAT Symposium 2010, payable at Bangalore.

    One or more of the authors must register as a participant and present the paper.


    Papers that do not comply with these guidelines will not be included in the hardcopy proceedings.

  • Papers must be submitted in DOC format using Microsoft Word. No other formats are acceptable.
  • Do not include color photographs or graphics.
  • Figures must be of high resolution and must not have gray background.
  • Importing bitmap images in Microsoft Word will not be acceptable.
  • Authors must not use any material (figures and/or text) from the Internet or other sources without acknowledgement.
  • The authors must output hardcopy of their manuscript and ensure that all the figures are legible and also output PDF to verify the figures and tables show up before sending. PDF is used for the softcopy.
  • Sample files

    Download a sample paper from the previous VDAT Symposium for formatting guidelines reference: Technical paper PDF 95kb ... Presentation foils PDF 218kb

    Authors may also visit VSI Discoverer for accessing past VDAT proceedings for reference.

    Template files

    Please visit for further details on Page formatting DOC and PPT foils, and to download template file.