VLSI Education Day 2002
Advance Program
(Latest version available at http://vlsi-india.org)
August 29, 2002
Bangalore, India


Scope: To promote applications and research related to all aspects of VLSI
In Cooperation With: VLSI Society of India, IEEE Computer Society Technical Council on Test Technology IEEE EDS/SSCS Bangalore Chapter

With Support From: Texas Instruments, India, Indian Institute of Science


Venue: JN Tata Auditorium, National Science Seminar Complex, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore


8.00 AM – 9.00 AM


9.00 AM – 9.15 AM


9.15 AM – 10.45 AM

Session E1: Keynote Talks

M.J. Zarabi, Semiconductor Complex Ltd., Chandigarh.  Perspectives on VLSI Education and Industry in India.

V.D. Agrawal, Agere Systems. Interdisciplinary Computer Engineering curriculum.

10.45 AM – 11.15 AM



Session E2: Industry-Academia Interaction

Venue: Room A

Session E3: Project Management in the Curriculum

Venue: Room B

11.15 AM -- 12.15 AM

S. Mahant-Shetti. KARMIC. Integration Issues in Implementation of Student LSI-Design Projects. (Invited Talk.)

S. Ramesh. Texas Instruments India.  Project Management in VLSI Design/EDA Organizations. (Invited Talk.)

Suresh Kumar. HP India. Software Engineering Practices in Student Projects. (Invited Talk.)

Anand Kasturi. Indian Institute of Management. The New Recruits in an IT Company: A Behavioral Perspective.  (Invited Talk.)


Session E4: Technology

Venue: Room A

Session E5: The Verification Challenge

Venue: Room B

12.15 AM –1.15 PM

N. Bhat, Indian Institute of Science. CMOS Technology Issues in Mixed Signal Design.  (Tutorial.)

(R) B. A. Bhat, Synopsys India. Tackling Signal Integrity Issues during DSM Design.

(R) A. Saha. Texas Instruments India.  Static Timing Analysis. (Tutorial).

1.15 PM – 2.15 PM


2.15 PM – 3.45 PM

Session E5: Frequently Not Asked Questions!

Chair: Nagi Subramanyam, Texas Instruments

Experts from industry and academia will answer questions posed by engineers and students on various aspects of VLSI Design/CAD. Questions may be sent to ngs@india.ti.com

3.45 PM –4.15 PM


4.45 PM – 6.15 PM

Session E7: Future Growth of VLSI in India

Moderator: C.P. Ravikumar

Panelists: Prof. S. Srinivasan, IIT Madras, Prof. Dinesh Sharma, IIT Bombay, Prof. H.S. Jamadagni,  IISc, Bangalore, Dr. H. Ramakrishna, Bharath Electronics Ltd.

6.15 PM – 7.00 PM


7.00 PM – 8.00 PM

Banquet Speech:

Nitin Deo, Magma Design Automation.

Continuing Evolution of High Tech Economy: How Can India Arrive at the Scene?

8.00 PM – 9.00 PM

Banquet Dinnner








VLSI Design and Test Workshops 2002
Advance Program
(Latest version available at http://vlsi-india.org)
August 30-31, 2002
Bangalore, India


Scope: To promote applications and research related to all aspects of VLSI
In Cooperation With: VLSI Society of India, IEEE Computer Society Technical Council on Test Technology IEEE EDS/SSCS Bangalore Chapter

With Support From: Texas Instruments, India, Indian Institute of Science


Venue: JN Tata Auditorium, National Science Seminar Complex, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore


Advance Program for August 30, 2002 (Friday)



Test Workshop
Room: A

High Level and Logic Design Workshop
 Room: B

Physical Design and VLSI Technology Workshop
 Room: C

8:00 to 9:00 AM


9.00 - 10.00 AM

Combined with L1

Session L1: Verification

C. Michael Chang, President and CEO, Verplex Systems Inc., and Harry D. Foster, CTO, Verplex Systems Inc. Unifying Traditional and Formal Verification through Property Specification. Invited Talk.

Combined with L1

10.00  - 10.30 AM



Session T1: SOC Verification & Test

Session L2: VLSI Architecture I

Session P1:  Analog Design

10.30 - 12.30 PM

(R) V. Dalal. Sasken Communications. System Level Verification of Present Day System on a Chip (SOC) Designs.

(R) A. D. Kishore and S. Srinivasan. IIT Madras. An Extended Memory Architecture for Morphological Signal Processing.

(R) S.C. Bose, A. Karmakar, Chadrashekhar & V. Sunitha, CEERI Pilani, and  V. Jain, G. Jain, V. Kulshreshta & R. Mathew, BITS Pilani. Design, Synthesis, and Physical Design of CMOS Operational Amplifier from User Specification.

(R) Satish Panigatti, Ambar Gadkari and Rubin Parekhji. Texas Instruments India. Applying Model Checking for Verification of Small Controllers.

(R) D. Guha. Agilent Technologies India. Test and Interoperability of an Optical Signal Processor using the concept of Transforms.

(R) P. Admane, B. Viswanathan, S.R.  Guruprasad and N. Garg. ControlNet India Pvt. Ltd., Goa. A Novel Approach to Unified RF Frontend IC Design for Wireless Application.

(R) A. Saha and R. Ranmale. Texas Instruments India. Using Formal Techniques for Identifying Uninitialized Registers in SOC Designs.

(R) T.S. Rajesh Kumar, Texas Instruments India, R. Govindarajan, Indian Institute of Science, Manohar Sambandham, A and  C.P. Ravikumar, Texas Instruments India. Memory Exploration for Embedded Systems.

(R) R. Srinivasan, C.Venkatesh and N. Bhat. Indian Institute of Science. Comparative study of RF Tuned Amplifier Performance with Different Inductor Configurations.
