2. Affiliation:
3. Permanent Mailing Address:
5. FAX Number:
6. Telephone Number:
7. Details of Draft Enclosed:
8. Any special requirements:
Signature : ______________________________________________________
Date : _________________________________________________
Registration Information:
Registration permits you to participate in any of the
technical sessions, tutorials, or invited talks organized as part of the
workshops. Refreshments and lunch will be provided to all registrants
at no extra charge. Please send your registration fee through a draft
made out to VLSI Design and Test Workshops, 1998.
Make the draft payable at Canara Bank, IIT Delhi Hauz Khas Branch.
The draft must be sent to Dr. C.P. Ravikumar, Department of Electrical
Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, 110016, India.
If you wish to register on the spot, drafts or cash
payment in Indian rupees are acceptable. We will not
be able to accept Credit Card payments. The current exchange
rate is approximately 1 US dollar = 42 Indian rupees.